
Hi ladies, can anyone tell me if they have tried accupunture for relief of hot flushes? My oncologist recommended it as an option to try before using other medications. I am well and truly over these hot flushes, and am looking to try something different. He said it was also good at helping with sleep.
Love Chris xx
Not sure, but will be interested in reading the ladies comments.
Hope you are well otherwise
Xxx0 -
Not sure, but will be interested in reading the ladies comments.
Hope you are well otherwise
Xxx0 -
Hello Chris,
My hot flushes returned with a vengence once I started on the Arimidex. I was warned that they would.
There was an offer of a trial accupunture - which I willingly trialed and found immediate but no long lasting relief. Everyone is different and it may or may not work for you, give it a try. Although the fellow had to head off to the U.S for more trials and i didnt follow through with going to his collegue.
I highly suggest you do some homework first and go to someone that is recommended - try the accupunture and chinese medicine assoc. Also check with your private health fund if you have one as some have a list of accupuncturists they provide fund returns with.
All the best.
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Hi Chris, I haven't tried acupuncture, but it might be worth a try. I actually saw that today on TV on "The Doctors" show and they say it works.
I was having terrible hot flushes and hot sweats all day and night which were driving me crazy. I was referred to the Menopause / cancer clinic (MSAC) at KEMH in Perth. I think its Like what Joy is talking about. They are wonderful and they have so many different Doctors/specialists in one place to deal with you and menopause/cancer and the side effects of treatment. They deal with all the different treatments around.
I was put onto Gabapentin. The first few weeks i didn't think it helped a great deal but since increasing the dosage it has been pretty good. My dosage is now at 1200mg daily and i can say i have got about 40 to 50% better than what i was like. Have a read up on it , as It may be just what you need. I have had no side effects from the gabapenti. Chris it does not get rid of them and you still may have some bad days but it really does reduce them. Click on "Other uses for this medicine"
Hope you find something that can help you and if you do try acupuncture let us know how it goes . Good luck, cheers Jo xx
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Hi Chris, I haven't tried acupuncture, but it might be worth a try. I actually saw that today on TV on "The Doctors" show and they say it works.
I was having terrible hot flushes and hot sweats all day and night which were driving me crazy. I was referred to the Menopause / cancer clinic (MSAC) at KEMH in Perth. I think its Like what Joy is talking about. They are wonderful and they have so many different Doctors/specialists in one place to deal with you and menopause/cancer and the side effects of treatment. They deal with all the different treatments around.
I was put onto Gabapentin. The first few weeks i didn't think it helped a great deal but since increasing the dosage it has been pretty good. My dosage is now at 1200mg daily and i can say i have got about 40 to 50% better than what i was like. Have a read up on it , as It may be just what you need. I have had no side effects from the gabapenti. Chris it does not get rid of them and you still may have some bad days but it really does reduce them. Click on "Other uses for this medicine"
Hope you find something that can help you and if you do try acupuncture let us know how it goes . Good luck, cheers Jo xx
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Hi Chris, Anything is worth a go as opposed to drugs. I swear by acupuncture and massage. I am in Phuket and have had the best foot massage today. XLeonie
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Thanks ladies. I will accupuncture a go and let you all know. I may also go to the menopause clinic. I live in Sydney and I know they have a clinic not too far away.
Love Chris xx0 -
Woops accidently press Save. Haha
Just wanted to say good luck with it all.
Dot xxx
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Hey Joy,, interesting to read your reply,, I was looking up a Dr Michael Woodhouse when I was 1st diagnosed , as I had written to him years ago when hewas Med Director for Upjohn,, I had been on Depo-provera for 17yrs and they did those Beagle Bitch tests where they gave them large doses of Depo and they got tumours,, I was concerned I would get BC ,, I digress, I found him working at The Menopause Clinic in Sydney (somewhere) and the way I read it there was only one of its kind in now wondering if it the same one?? Have never heard of Acupuncture for the flushes, but it is a bit of a cure-all isnt it,,
Peace and Light, Mechell xx
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Oh and I am also wondering if any of you beautiful girls are on Tamoxifen?? whilst taking the gabapentin??
Im learning to use my hot flushes, the one i wake up with between 6,30-7.30am is my get out of bed call for a start, lol and instead of panicing i concentrate on my breathing and it seems to calm me down and it doesnt last so long,, I am on Alprazalam though and its the best thing for me, (I have a history of depression but cant take antidepressants, beyyerrkkk) I couldnt stop the Anxiety, but this wee pill has done the trick and you wouldnt even know you had it (side-effects),, Its as you say, everyone does it differently, but i couldnt do it without that,, hugs to you all
Mechell xx