Melbourne Ladies-Morning Tea 21 September 2018

Member Posts: 44 ✭

Hi All,
Anyone free to catch up?
Reclaim you Curves (breast reconstruction support group). We are having a Morning Tea catch up at Think Pink Living Centre...see details above. All welcome, let me know if you can make it. I will send a few reminders.
Also can follow Reclaim Your Curves on Facebook
That’s that’s a shame, hope the medical appointments are going ok. They can be never ending.0
Fabulous, will put you down as coming0
Hi Ladies, I am bumping this message to see if we have any more takers for our morning tea next Friday.
Come along, all welcome. Informal chat, meet new people. Ask other women about reconstruction, perhaps your dissatisfied and looking for other options, or wondering what type of recon best for you, or just want to come and chat about anything and everything. Let me know if you can make it. Hi Vangirl, hope your still coming?
Cheers Virginia
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I would come Virginia but I have two BC related appointments that day! Hopefully next time. I hope you all have an enjoyable morning. K xox0
No probs, good luck 😉0
Wish l could make it but l am working 😔0
Next time 👍🏻0
Would have loved to come, but have a girls weekend starting tomorrow. Have a great time.1
No probs, enjoy your girl time. 👍🏻0