CHICKEN Member Posts: 3
Hi, my daughter has been tested Positive for Braca 2. She is 36 years and considering having a double mastectomy and hysterectomy. I am looking for feedback regards to recommendations of Breast Surgeons / Breast Reconstruction options as well as Gynaecologist. Feeling Overwhelmed :(


  • Eastmum
    Eastmum Member Posts: 495
    edited June 2018
    Hi @CHICKEN - this is a tough time for you all. Take a deep breath - it's great that you're going for opinions and getting info together so that your daughter can go into it all with the confidence that she's making the right decision. It's such a huge decision for your daughter to make and she really does have the time to make it. 
    What city are you in?

    Lots of hugs, Yvette xx
    CHICKEN Member Posts: 3

    RE: CHICKEN - BRACA 2 POSITIVE:-  I forgot to say in my post I am looking for recommendations in Sunshine Coast or perhaps Brisbane North Side.

  • j9k
    j9k Member Posts: 98
    What location are you @CHICKEN
  • Eastmum
    Eastmum Member Posts: 495
    I'm in Sydney @CHICKEN - so I'm sorry that I can't help you with any recommendations but there are lots of amazing people on here, who live in your area and I'm sure that you will get some advice.

    Good luck with it all! xxxx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hi Chicken. Pop BRCA into the search bar here and you'll find all sorts of info and women in the same position.

    Are you and your daughter on Instagram? @mackenziealleman is a young woman in the US who had a preventative double mastectomy and DIEP reconstruction after testing positive to the BRCA gene. She's become quite an advocate in that space if you're interested in having a look.

    I'm sorry you're feeling overwhelmed, such a drradful feeling. Take some deep breaths and hang in there. Your daughter is ahead of the ball and we're really lucky in Australia with our health care. Big hug, Kate xox
  • j9k
    j9k Member Posts: 98
    @CHICKEN my surgeon for my 3 episodes of BC over 13yrs is Teresa Nano. She works out of Greenslopes, private. I'm not sure if she does work in public. Her skill and manner has been exceptional. She works with an excellent PS, although I haven't had reconstruction so cantc comment personally. Happy to pm you contact details if you would like.
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Have a look on  the Pink Hope website. This was set up by a young Australian woman who tested BRCA 1 positive. I believe they have a forum, and useful links & information around decision making, and preventative surgery, mastectomy & gynaecological.  As she is Australian, it has a strong Aus focus
    CHICKEN Member Posts: 3

    :) Hi Irb_03 and j9k

    Thanks for your feedback, I'll check it out. cheers  

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    No problem, @CHICKEN