Merry Xmas and a Happy New year

Hi Ladies,
Just want to wish everyone a Merry Xmas and a Happy New year. I know some may not feel too much like celebrating but the festive season will still arrive so we must try and make the best of it.
I hope everyone is as well as they can be at this time and I hope and pray that everyone gets some better news next year. I have my fingers crossed for myself and for everyone else out there.
Thank you everyone for your support throughout the year with advice and information on things I hadn't tackled at the time. You are all so valuable to me.
I hope I have also managed to help out some people too. It is amazing the relief you feel when you talk to someone who knows exactly what you are going through and how you are feeling. Doctors may tell you what they think but you can't beat personal experiences.
All the best to everyone and I hope all goes well for you all.
Take care.
Tracey xxx
Thank you Tonya, you too have been a great help and support. Even though we are communicating through a computer I get a great sense of calm from you, not sure why but helps. All the best to you and your family. Enjoy Christmas in your new home.
Take care.
Tracey xx
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I hear you Amy. Stability is good. All the best to you and your family.
Take care.
Tracey xx
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Hi Tracey,
Yes talking with someone who has experienced similar things can help relieve anxiety and fear.
Stability is good.
love Kathy. OOXX
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Tracey, I totally agree with Tonya. You've been on this rollercoaster for many years now and the knowledge you've gained first hand from all that you've been through, and unfortunately all that you've experienced, has been a godsend to other women (including myself). You're always there to offer advice, support, medical information, or even just an ear to listen. You Tracey, are always there for others. You're an amazing person and my prayer for you for Christmas was for your family to all be together... along with feeling well and stabilisation of course! I hope my prayer was answered. xoxo
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Tracey, I totally agree with Tonya. You've been on this rollercoaster for many years now and the knowledge you've gained first hand from all that you've been through, and unfortunately all that you've experienced, has been a godsend to other women (including myself). You're always there to offer advice, support, medical information, or even just an ear to listen. You Tracey, are always there for others. You're an amazing person and my prayer for you for Christmas was for your family to all be together... along with feeling well and stabilisation of course! I hope my prayer was answered. xoxo
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Thanks Nicole. When I was first diagnosed there just didn't seem to be anyone to talk to about my type of situation. People just didn't have the time or want to know because I was Stage IV and in their eyes I felt like I wasn't worth the trouble. When this site was formed and I talked to people in the same situation, it was amazing. Finally I wasn't alone and someone understood how I felt. That is so important. I don't know how else to help except let people know about all my ups and downs and if those same things happen to other people then it takes a little bit of the fear away. I hope things improve for you and you have a good year.
Take care.
Tracey xx