Hi Everyone

Maxine Member Posts: 41
edited December 2011 in General discussion

Hi Everyone

Today is my 3rd official day as the new CEO of BCNA.

I have just finished a 2 week transition period with Lyn Swinburne which was a great opportunity to settle in and meet many people.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June this year and finished my radiotherapy at the end of September.  Like many of you, I am now on hormone therapy and will be for the next five years.

I am really looking forward to being part of the BCNA community and working hard to ensure the best possible support, services and treatments are available for women with breast cancer.

I have a background in health, reasearch and politics and intend to use my professional background and personal experience to the best of my abilities on behalf of BCNA members and the broader community.

Will keep in touch online as often as I can!





  • sandycee
    sandycee Member Posts: 147
    edited March 2015

    Hello Maxine,

    I also want to say welcome and hello. I came across this site by accident when I most needed it - just a few weeks in between my diagnosis and surgery to remove my breast.

    I hope that your experience in politics will see you in good stead to lead a march where it is necessary for change. 

    I am ever so grateful to be Australian where so many services are offered to people in this country - either at no charge, or low cost - such as a mammogram. I read with horror that it actually costs someone to have a mammogram in other countries like the USA.

    I hope that it stays this way in Oz as I doubt that I would have been able to afford my treatment otherwise, much less having regular mammograms! We are so very blessed. I would love to see more coming our way - radiotherapy units closer to people in country areas for instance.

    Take care with your treatment and good luck with your new position. Am looking forward to seeing what happens in the future and hopefully will be able to contribute more now as my own chemo treatment has finished and I am only on Tamoxifen now. 

  • Kate Gale
    Kate Gale Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2015

    Welcome Maxine!.

    Goodluck, you certainly have your hands full taking on all of us PINK girls.  I look forward to walking the BCNA road with you and carrying on the fantastic work that this great network has to offer. More importantly though I look forward to meeting you in person.

    Kate Gale xx


  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    I hope you will be happy in your new position.I was sorry to read that you have had breast cancer too but I guess this gives you first hand experience for the job.This is a fantastic website -we all support each other here and help newly diagnosed ladies start their journey with ,hopefully,less fear.I have had breast cancer twice(2003 and 2010)same breast.I have a health and counselling background and I hope to apply for community liaison officer with bcna next year.Merry Christmas and good luck to you for 2012.

                                              Tonya xx

  • GayB
    GayB Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2015

    Hi Maxine - are you able to give me any information regarding statistics on any of the above tablets?   I'm due to start taking one or other of them next week, having recently had a lumpectomy and 30 radiation treatments,  and don't want to do so until I can be more informed of their efficacy.  It is really hard to find out any in depth information other than the blurb put out by the drug companies and I really think we need openness and honesty when we are undergoing this difficult time in our lives - it should be EASY to get true and decent information, not almost impossible.   Good luck in your new position and with your treatment.  Regards Gay

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Like you,I had a lumpectomy,full node clearance,followed by radiation back in 2003.There is an 8%risk that cancer can come back despite radiation.So really 92%odds of a cure or making it to 10 yrs is good.My cancer was eostrogen +ve(both times)and I was initially put on Tamoxifen.I was 47 at the time and it really didn't agree with me-heavy period,hot flushes,bad headaches,bad mood.I persevered for 10wks but couldn't stand it.I tried the other 2 drugs you mentioned but they had similar effects.So I did my research and decided to take something natural- flaxseed tablets.I was fine for about 6 years and then I broke my ankle and had a series of operations and botch ups.I had stopped taking flaxseed and I was under a lot of stress.Then cancer came back in the same breast,same spot. I am now on Tamoxifen and it seems to be agreeing with me this time round.That's probably cos I am older and through menopause.I still get some hot flushes but take endep to help.Tamoxifen is the drug which has been around the longest compared to Femara and Arimidex.You will usually be prescribed Tamoxifen unless you are more than 2 years past meopause in which case you might have one of the others- that's what my oncologist told me anyway.Other doctors may say otherwise. Gay you can only try the drug that your doctor has recommended and see how it goes-you might feel fine.However,I don't agree with taking a drug that makes me feel dreadful.I had a friend on Tamoxifen and she had no side effects whatsoever.Then I had another friend who was miserable on it for 2 years and her cancer came back anyway.At the end of the day it's your body and your decision and if only we had a crystal ball.But your doctor should be able to answer all your questions about these drugs,then you can make an informed decision.Good luck.

                                                    Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Like you,I had a lumpectomy,full node clearance,followed by radiation back in 2003.There is an 8%risk that cancer can come back despite radiation.So really 92%odds of a cure or making it to 10 yrs is good.My cancer was eostrogen +ve(both times)and I was initially put on Tamoxifen.I was 47 at the time and it really didn't agree with me-heavy period,hot flushes,bad headaches,bad mood.I persevered for 10wks but couldn't stand it.I tried the other 2 drugs you mentioned but they had similar effects.So I did my research and decided to take something natural- flaxseed tablets.I was fine for about 6 years and then I broke my ankle and had a series of operations and botch ups.I had stopped taking flaxseed and I was under a lot of stress.Then cancer came back in the same breast,same spot. I am now on Tamoxifen and it seems to be agreeing with me this time round.That's probably cos I am older and through menopause.I still get some hot flushes but take endep to help.Tamoxifen is the drug which has been around the longest compared to Femara and Arimidex.You will usually be prescribed Tamoxifen unless you are more than 2 years past meopause in which case you might have one of the others- that's what my oncologist told me anyway.Other doctors may say otherwise. Gay you can only try the drug that your doctor has recommended and see how it goes-you might feel fine.However,I don't agree with taking a drug that makes me feel dreadful.I had a friend on Tamoxifen and she had no side effects whatsoever.Then I had another friend who was miserable on it for 2 years and her cancer came back anyway.At the end of the day it's your body and your decision and if only we had a crystal ball.But your doctor should be able to answer all your questions about these drugs,then you can make an informed decision.Good luck.

                                                    Tonya xx

  • GayB
    GayB Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2015

    Hi Tonya  thank you SO much for your reply; it's so honest and full of the exact info I want and need.  I'll investigate flaxseed tablets, also 'endep' - I presume that's a tablet.   I'm more than 2 years past meno but feel that, all things considered, Tamoxifen is the one I'll try and go for.  I realise I must at least give something a go, despite my many misgivings about the side effects.  I also realise if I don't try something and IT comes back I'll kick myself - better to have tried and lost than never to have tried at all I suppose !!  Sounds as if you've had a bit of a time in the last few years - I hope things are better now for you, and remain so.  Good luck to you too, Gay xx

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    Hi Gay, when I read Tonya's post last evening I thought "All said - nothing more to add".  I am pleased that you are going to try Tamoxifen.  I was on it for nearly 4 years but had more bc diagnosed last December so my surgeon and med oncologist immediately put me on Arimidex.  I had no trouble with Tamoxifen (and my body hates drugs).  I was only 50 and still having regular periods.  Things stopped but every so often I would have some breakthrough bleeding (one year on from my diagnosis we were married and of course I had some bleeding on our honeymoon!!!)  I had a great gyne who would monitor me very closely.  I had quite a few d&c's just to be sure that there wasn't a problem - higher risk of uterine cancer whilst taking Tamoxifen.   I wish I was still on it - I had the side effects that chemo mixed with Arimidex gives me.  Tonya and I are "Twins" - same age, same scenerio so we tend to be able to give out pretty good info.  Hope my info is also a bit of an "add on" for you.  Good luck.  XLeonie

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    Hi Gay, when I read Tonya's post last evening I thought "All said - nothing more to add".  I am pleased that you are going to try Tamoxifen.  I was on it for nearly 4 years but had more bc diagnosed last December so my surgeon and med oncologist immediately put me on Arimidex.  I had no trouble with Tamoxifen (and my body hates drugs).  I was only 50 and still having regular periods.  Things stopped but every so often I would have some breakthrough bleeding (one year on from my diagnosis we were married and of course I had some bleeding on our honeymoon!!!)  I had a great gyne who would monitor me very closely.  I had quite a few d&c's just to be sure that there wasn't a problem - higher risk of uterine cancer whilst taking Tamoxifen.   I wish I was still on it - I had the side effects that chemo mixed with Arimidex gives me.  Tonya and I are "Twins" - same age, same scenerio so we tend to be able to give out pretty good info.  Hope my info is also a bit of an "add on" for you.  Good luck.  XLeonie