Just Diagnosed

Jo B
Jo B Member Posts: 47
edited November 2011 in General discussion

Hi Ladies,

I have just been diagnosed with invasive DC and DCIS.  I am told it has also spread to the lymph nodes.   I had a biopsy two weeks ago and have my first hospital appointment on Monday.   I just wanted to ask if anyone else has the same diagnosis and if they had a lumpectomy or mastectomy.    It has only just hit me that I may actually lose one of my breasts and it terrifies me, as does the thought of the cancer spreading.  

Friends and family are being supportive, but no one really understands what I'm going through.  



  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    So sorry to hear about your diagnosis but welcome to this site where you will get lots of information and support.I think you go into abit of shock when you get a breast cancer diagnosis and everything seems to happen quickly that you don't get time to really digest it all.Once you have a plan then you feel less out of control.As to whether you'll have a lumpectomy or a mastectomy depends on the size and how many cancer areas there are.You don't always get a choice.I've had both.In 2003 I had a lumpectomy to remove a 2cm lump.  Also had a full lymph node clearance followed by 6wks of radiation.Last year (7yrs later)it came back in the same breast,same spot.  There is an 8% chance that this can happen with a lumpectomy.So last year I had a mastectomy followed by chemotherapy and am now on Tamoxifen.I had no cancer in my lymph nodes(all 18!)the first time so didn't have to have chemo.back then.With either operation you are in hospital for about 3 days and probably go home with a drain in.The recovery is about the same.There is alot to consider if your doctor gives you a choice.From a physical aspect,lumpectomy lets you keep your boob to fill a bra.But radiation will cause your skin to be less elastic and limit your choice of reconstruction should you go down that path later.Mastectomy is more confronting psycologically.I wear a prosthesis and have had to alter all my low neckline tops.Once I'm dressed I don't think about it. My advice is to write down all the questions you want to ask your doctor on Monday and preferably,have someone with you.Try to just deal with the surgery first- abit at a time cos it can all seem overwhelming,does your head in.Cancer is a very scary word but it's no longer a death sentence.There are lots of us woman on this site who are surviving and getting on with our lives.You'll get through it too but you"ll need lots of love and support.Jump on here any time you need to chat or just vent as we understand how you are feeling.

                                     Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    So sorry to hear about your diagnosis but welcome to this site where you will get lots of information and support.I think you go into abit of shock when you get a breast cancer diagnosis and everything seems to happen quickly that you don't get time to really digest it all.Once you have a plan then you feel less out of control.As to whether you'll have a lumpectomy or a mastectomy depends on the size and how many cancer areas there are.You don't always get a choice.I've had both.In 2003 I had a lumpectomy to remove a 2cm lump.  Also had a full lymph node clearance followed by 6wks of radiation.Last year (7yrs later)it came back in the same breast,same spot.  There is an 8% chance that this can happen with a lumpectomy.So last year I had a mastectomy followed by chemotherapy and am now on Tamoxifen.I had no cancer in my lymph nodes(all 18!)the first time so didn't have to have chemo.back then.With either operation you are in hospital for about 3 days and probably go home with a drain in.The recovery is about the same.There is alot to consider if your doctor gives you a choice.From a physical aspect,lumpectomy lets you keep your boob to fill a bra.But radiation will cause your skin to be less elastic and limit your choice of reconstruction should you go down that path later.Mastectomy is more confronting psycologically.I wear a prosthesis and have had to alter all my low neckline tops.Once I'm dressed I don't think about it. My advice is to write down all the questions you want to ask your doctor on Monday and preferably,have someone with you.Try to just deal with the surgery first- abit at a time cos it can all seem overwhelming,does your head in.Cancer is a very scary word but it's no longer a death sentence.There are lots of us woman on this site who are surviving and getting on with our lives.You'll get through it too but you"ll need lots of love and support.Jump on here any time you need to chat or just vent as we understand how you are feeling.

                                     Tonya xx

  • Jo B
    Jo B Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2015

    Thanks for replying Tonya.    There is a lot to think about.   I will just have to wait and see what the doctors tell me on Monday and try to take one day at a time (easier said than done some days) and try not to think the worst.   Thanks for all your advice, I will definitely be on here often in the coming months to chat.

    Thanks again


  • Maria333
    Maria333 Member Posts: 191
    edited March 2015

    Sorry to hear you have had to join us Jo B. Yes there is a lot to think about. We are a supportive strong bunch =)

    Tonya has given you the best advice. I had DCIS stage 2 and started with chemotherapy first then surgery. The reason for this was to conserve the breast, hence a lumpectomy so the chemo first was to try to shrink the tumour. I had a lumpectomy with a clear margin and 4 lymph nodes removed but the biopsy on the lymph nodes showed more cancer so back again for 2nd surgery to have more nodes removed. (In total 14).

    I had a hard time deciding which way to go - thinking if I had a lumpectomy what if the cancer came back again. I was so over all the worrying and wondering in the end I just gave up and left it in the hands of my highly qualified team to decide. I figured this is what they do, I will follow their suggestions.

    I am now at the radiation stage and start that in a couple of weeks.

    In the end I am pleased that I only had to have the lumpectomy and lymph nodes removed - having the worry of what to do after a mastectomy was just more than I felt I could cope with.  You will find that we are all different but also we are all the same.  Worrying does not help you at all - finding ways to feel positive and go on with your life the best way you can is the way to go.

    All the very best Jo B.


  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    edited March 2015
    Hi Jo B. So sorry to hear about your cancer, and the decision you have to make. We have all been where you are now, so understand how you are feeling. Today is the first anniversary of the date I found out I had breast cancer. I can't quite believe a whole year has passed. I first had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. They were looking for a 4 mm tumour. On pathology this tumour was actually 21 mm, invasive and a grade 3 ( aggressive ). Though my lymph node was clear, as were the margins, my surgeon still wanted to do more surgery to make really sure that nothing was missed. This is where I had to decided to either have another lumpectomy, or mastectomy. As this lump never showed up on mammogram the Dr was concerned about other lumps in the future, or scar
    tissue looking like BC. I had a few weeks to research,
    and decided that as I would never be able to trust a
    mammogram again, the mastectomy for me might be
    best. I also realised that there were more
    reconstructions options available if I didn't have
    radiotherapy. Anyway I had a mastectomy, and 10 more
    nodes removed. There was no cancer in any nodes, or
    anywhere else in the breast, and I was delighted, but
    have never regretted having the mastectomy. I have
    had 4 rounds of chemo earlier in the year, and about 2
    months ago decided to have the other breast off, and
    also started reconstruction with tissue expanders. In
    January I will have the expanders replaced with silicone
    implants. This is one of the easier reconstruction
    options. I have no regrets about either of my
    mastectomies. I never wanted to hear the words, " you
    have breast cancer" again.
    What ever decision you make, will be the right decision. Give yourself a little time to think through all options. It is very hard in the early days as so much goes through
    your mind. Hopefully this site will help you as you try to
    decide what to do.
    All the best with your decision making.
    Love Chris xx
  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    edited March 2015
    Hi Jo B. So sorry to hear about your cancer, and the decision you have to make. We have all been where you are now, so understand how you are feeling. Today is the first anniversary of the date I found out I had breast cancer. I can't quite believe a whole year has passed. I first had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. They were looking for a 4 mm tumour. On pathology this tumour was actually 21 mm, invasive and a grade 3 ( aggressive ). Though my lymph node was clear, as were the margins, my surgeon still wanted to do more surgery to make really sure that nothing was missed. This is where I had to decided to either have another lumpectomy, or mastectomy. As this lump never showed up on mammogram the Dr was concerned about other lumps in the future, or scar
    tissue looking like BC. I had a few weeks to research,
    and decided that as I would never be able to trust a
    mammogram again, the mastectomy for me might be
    best. I also realised that there were more
    reconstructions options available if I didn't have
    radiotherapy. Anyway I had a mastectomy, and 10 more
    nodes removed. There was no cancer in any nodes, or
    anywhere else in the breast, and I was delighted, but
    have never regretted having the mastectomy. I have
    had 4 rounds of chemo earlier in the year, and about 2
    months ago decided to have the other breast off, and
    also started reconstruction with tissue expanders. In
    January I will have the expanders replaced with silicone
    implants. This is one of the easier reconstruction
    options. I have no regrets about either of my
    mastectomies. I never wanted to hear the words, " you
    have breast cancer" again.
    What ever decision you make, will be the right decision. Give yourself a little time to think through all options. It is very hard in the early days as so much goes through
    your mind. Hopefully this site will help you as you try to
    decide what to do.
    All the best with your decision making.
    Love Chris xx
  • pennyb
    pennyb Member Posts: 176
    edited March 2015
    Sorry to hear about about your bc, welcome to the site, I am pretty new to this also, being diagnosed on 7/10/11. Had 2 lumps 8mm and 14mm, had a lumpectomy on my doctors recommendation, also had 12 nodes removed 4 had cancer.
    I have finished my first session of chemo and have 5 to go. Yes I agree with the ladies, don't jump too far ahead of yourself. I dealt with the surgery, when having it, now I'm dealing with chemo, later I will deal with radiation.
    You will find this site invaluable, I know I have, and the ladies here will become your friends. They have helped me so much.
    Come on with any questions, complaints etc, knowing we will understand.
    Love Penny
  • pennyb
    pennyb Member Posts: 176
    edited March 2015
    Sorry to hear about about your bc, welcome to the site, I am pretty new to this also, being diagnosed on 7/10/11. Had 2 lumps 8mm and 14mm, had a lumpectomy on my doctors recommendation, also had 12 nodes removed 4 had cancer.
    I have finished my first session of chemo and have 5 to go. Yes I agree with the ladies, don't jump too far ahead of yourself. I dealt with the surgery, when having it, now I'm dealing with chemo, later I will deal with radiation.
    You will find this site invaluable, I know I have, and the ladies here will become your friends. They have helped me so much.
    Come on with any questions, complaints etc, knowing we will understand.
    Love Penny
  • Jo B
    Jo B Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Maria.   I'm feeling better today after reading all the replies from all you beautiful ladies.   It has made me realise there are many strong women out there, going through the same thing I am about to go through and have come out the other side.

    I will let everyone know how I go on Monday and go from there.


    Jo xxx

  • Jo B
    Jo B Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2015

    Thank you for all that information Chris.   I feel better knowing someone understands how I feel and has had to make the same decisions that I face.    I didn't realise you could actually have the other breast off as well and have both reconstructed.    I hope everything goes well with your implants.

    Jo xxx

  • Jo B
    Jo B Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2015

    Thank you so much Penny.    I love this site already and think I will definitely find it invaluable in the months to come.   Good luck with your chemo and I love your profile photo by the way, very exotic location!!

    Love Jo xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Those scans are scary and waiting on results even scarier.Mine were clear of cancer but I came out with all sorts of medical conditions I didn't know I had! Hope it's all clear results for you -have glass of something tonight !!

                                    Tonya xx

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Those scans are scary and waiting on results even scarier.Mine were clear of cancer but I came out with all sorts of medical conditions I didn't know I had! Hope it's all clear results for you -have glass of something tonight !!

                                    Tonya xx

  • Jo B
    Jo B Member Posts: 47
    edited March 2015

    The surgeon actually told me that I would have 'something' come up on the scans because everyone does - just hope that something is not cancer related.



  • hilsandglen
    hilsandglen Member Posts: 95
    edited March 2015

    This is I think the worst time, all these tests and the worry of what might be.... as Tonya says have a glass of something tonight and maybe watch a silly movie. Once you get underway with your treatment you will feel more in control LOL . Keep in touch best regards Hilary