Weight Loss

Hi Everyone,
I was wondering if any of you ladies had the same 'problem' as I am having. Before I start let me tell you I am 5'6 and weigh 88 kilos. I am a pretty standard size 14.I am not tiny, but I excercise most days and I did consider myself healthy. A little chubby maybe.
When I went for my chemotherapy education, the oncology nurse said to me, 'you will probably gain weight on this treatment so you will have to be very careful. You really shouldn't put on any more weight' I could refer you to the dietitian but she usually will see the patients who need to gain weight not people like you.
I went to the appointment with my sister and because at the moment, I am quite sensitive I asked her, was she pressuring me to lose weight? incase I was blowing it all out of proportion. She agreed she was. Hmmmm, the last thing I want to be worrying about is my weight whilst I am going through this!
Anyway, the day of the 1st session I weighed myself at home to make sure the scales were the same as the hospital and they were. Right on 88 kilos. Okay.
It's day 9 now and I have been eating smaller meals than I did before the treatment and much blander food also. I weighed this morning and I am 84.2kgs. That seems a lot of weight to lose in 9 days doesn't it? I am not complaining mind you, just wondering if anyone else lost weight on FEC. Maybe it will the 1st week and it will settle down from now on?? At least the nurse will be happy with me.
Hoping everyone is having a good day.
Much love Penny xx
Yes yes the hair, I cut it really short a couple of days ago, and I cried. I know it seems so silly in the big picture, but I love my hair! I now have a very very short pixie cut, which I loathe but I thought it would be less shocking when I lose it, for me and my family.
Yes I think you are right re the weight thing, and will worry less. 74kilos sounds pretty great though!
I have to say Tonya you have become my bc guru, I have now started to tell my family and friends, it's ok Tonya says it's normal.
Thank you for the beautiful compliments.
Love Penny xx
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Don't know about the guru bit but am happy to offer my support here on this site.When I was feeling down last year I got lots of support from ladies just ahead of me.It's a great place to share information,experiences and feelings.Breast cancer is a tough journey.It affects you physically,emotionally,sexually and psychologically. At first it doesn't seem real and everything happens so quickly.I would surprise myself how brave I was with big issues and then cry in a heap at simple things like signing the chemo consent forms. Yes, the hair-it's not silly,it's HUGE. I think the grief of losing your hair is underestimated and it takes a long time to grow back.So even though you've long finished treatment you are still walking around with a stupid scarf on your head.You lose a boob and hair and,for awhile,your identity and maybe even your confidence.
Penny,I don't think you've mentioned if you've had a lumpectomy or a mastectomy or if you need radiation.I hope your wound and swelling is settling down now.
Tonya xx
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Right now I'm sensitive with everything I think, I just don't feel attractive, the hair, the surgery, my skin isnt great either, I just don't need an oncology nurse telling me to lose weight on top of everything.
You try so hard for everyone else, yeah I'm doing great, I feel fine, to be "up" and then sometimes it hits you how hard this all is. Your family is going through enough and I dont want to add to my husbands pressures, by having an emotional breakdown.
My 18 son is having some difficulties dealing with everything and he looks at me with such sadness, "you okay mum?" I want to make it easier for them.
I think if I cry I just won't stop.
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I heard that Julia, I'm glad it hasn't been the case with me, but I have been trying not to eat as much because of what the nurse told me.
I am stressing over nothing I think.
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I had 2 tumors removed from the top half of my right breast, 12 nodes also, 4 had cancer, I will need radiation after my chemo, then hormone blocking therapy. I found that I am dealing with chemo now and when radiation comes I will deal with that.
This has been just so overwhelming for me, at the moment it's the only way I can get through it all.
My husband and I had a trip to Thailand booked, paid for for the 28th October when I was diagnosed on the 7th. It was to be our 1st trip on our own. Our kids both working full time now.
We are still waiting for our refund, and now that will pay for some of the mounting doctors bills,
My husband has his own plumbing business and work for him, reception, pays etc, so it's great I can work when i want to and rest when I need to.0 -
I know how you feel.A few years back we had a huge trip booked for Canada and USA.Luckily,we took out insurance because I broke my ankle 1 week before we were to leave.Last year I had a mammo just before our holiday to sunshine coast(including a 2 day ship cruise to Brisbane).I was told to have my holiday and then come back for a core biopsy.Well that took abit of enjoyment off it.I've learned my lesson now - NEVER go for a mammo just before a holiday! Penny,you sound like me -putting on a brave face in order to protect those we love.I think it's a "mother thing".It won't hurt them if they see you cry.My poor husband managed to deal with my blubbery outbursts and believe me,you will have plenty of those.You have a long haul ahead of you and you are sooo wise to deal with one treatment at a time.Get through chemo and you are over the worst.I'm afraid you might feel unattractive for awhile,even if your husband tells you otherwise- I did ,anyway.I still have my "ugly"days. I sometimes catch myself in a shop mirror and wonder who's that frumpy,old woman?Thank goodness for makeup that's all I can say.You may already have it but there is a great USA website for headgear called www.headcovers.org I got most of my stuff from them -quite cheap and deliver to your door.Summer's coming and I'd think twice about an expensive wig.I bought one and hardly wore it cos it was so hot and itchy.Mostly wore cotton bandanas and caps.When your hair falls out your scalp will be very sensitive,mine was downright sore and then I got a rash.Best to be forwarned for the bald thing.
Tonya xx
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Ha Ha thats so true about Tonya, she is everyones guru so to speak. Love the way we take comments into our hearts and share with our family. I do the same when talking and someone has given me some valuable advice on here.
Cheers Jo xx
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hi penny,
remember, you " can only cry so much, " so go ahead and cry if you feel like it.
regarding weight, well i am 64 kgs and 5.3. ideally i should be 57 kgs. since menopause, i find it harder now to lose weight, as i am less inclined to rush about, my metabolism has slowed too, and i have less stamina. i try to do a bit though....
i do try walking.. they say 30 mins most days. i like to swim in ocean, or tread water in summer. there is also a spa pool here at a private house, i have been using for an hour a week. i would like to be 60 kgs, or a little under, but i am not beating myself up over it. i like to listen to music too.. maybe dance at home etc.
right now you need to focus on getting treatments over. maybe short walks may help, if you feel well enough and do not have other health issues. go with how you feel etc. some days you may feel like no energy, others you may feel more.
glad you have support from family. it is good to have somewhere to turn. the treatments can knock you somewhat, but hoping you can get good advice on here, and also breast care nurse, or doctors. it is "ok to ask for help. " the emotional journey is as hard, or harder than the physical journey. some people find talking to a psychologist helpful also.
my two children were 10 and 14 at the time, and it can be hard on them also. there is information on children coping with a parent with cancer etc. on BCNA or other sites. i just tried to keep their lives as normal as possible, plus told them the truth about the BC, and also that, fingers crossed it would all be ok. my son, who was 10, wondered, funnily enough, if he had caused the cancer by knocking my breast perhaps? i said ..no..odd how children think.. isn't it.
my children are now 23 and 27 !
my hair thinned, i wore a cap mostly, and looked a bit odd i am sure, but my family did not care, and it was summer while i had chemo. take a few photos while having treatment. soon it will pass, and you can look back.
it is not easy now for you, but trying to find a bit of humour, or having a laugh, may help. ( i say this in hindsight, but i remember being in shock and terrified early on ) we are all feeling for you and your family at this time.
try and find a bit of "calm " each day also, even if only for a short time. meditation and alternative treatments, i looked into too, but discuss with health professionals, as some alternative treatments can effect the chemo.
all the best, kathy.
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Hi Penny,
I was 89 kilos when I was re-diagnosed this year and my oncologist hit the roof! The last time I saw her in 2008, I was 72 kilos. She said my weight gain could have even contributed to my new cancer because it makes you produce more estrogen. Having said that, I haven't lost any weight yet. I'll worry about it after my last chemo this Wednesday. All the best x Jane0 -
I lost 6kgs in the first 2 weeks of my chemo and I have just sat on this weight ever since. Now I am on Taxol I fluctuate with the fluid build up and then it subsides. My chemo nurses are not concerned unless there is dramatic (ie 20kg) movement or unless the loss is accompanied by severe diahorrhea or vomiting.
I think the main thing is to eat as healty as you can within what you can tolerate - because we know this varies daily sometimes. You can worry about your weight later.
Be gentle on yourself.
Take care
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