Chemo over, but just the beginning...



  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    I agree about feeling good when I've got the cancer cut out of me. Because of my tiny breast the 2 tumours are quite visible to the naked eye! I can't wait to see the back of them. I don't mind discomfort or even pain. I'm pretty tough and have fallen off my horse lots of times. It's the chemo fog that I feel steals the most from me - words, thoughts, emotions (good and bad) like an alcoholic who loses their soul because they're drunk all the time and have no memories.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    it took me a bit to climb out of the chemo fog but you will do it ..... relax and let nature take its course in healing your body after the onslaught of chemo....


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I so get it. I remember thinking I'd be ready to work 3 weeks after treatment finished. Bwahahaha.  I really needed much longer...I think 7 weeks. Then I returned at 4 hours a day only and slept every day. Re-conditioning takes some time. First recovery from the worst effects of treatment. The rest is rebuilding all the loss muscle mass, the reduced heart pumping capacity and general fitness. Sleep is really important. A really well balanced diet is too. If you don't have the energy. ..and nobody helps...consider something like "light and easy" being addtional foods if you don't want weight loss. Well balanced and pre planned. 
    When ready consider tbe YWCA encore program or an exercise physiologist to help with recovery. I initially just started walking 10 minutes a day. Then twice a day. 15 months from chemo, 10 months since herceptin (with heart failure) and I'm still working at it. I'm working full time. Its just the exercise I'm still struggling with. But recover I will. I want my life back. It is, after all what we all fought for. Forever changed...but a life worth reclaiming. Kath x
  • sickgirl
    sickgirl Member Posts: 44
    Hi, my story double mastectomy in may. Her2+ 6 months chemo just finished 12 week course of paxol last week cont to have herceptin till sept next year and radiation starts in week and a half. So I felt really crappy in the last month of paxol and this week had herceptin on its own and been feeling nauseous since. Is this because I had my last dose of Paxol the week before or does anyone else have this issue with herceptin? Everyone tried to tell me I’d be fine on it. I just can’t face knowing will feel like this for another 10 months
  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296
    @sickgirl - I still take maxalon whether I feel sick or not. It won't make you feel better if you're already feeling sick so I take one as soon as I wake. It's a preventative measure which the cancer care nurses told me to do. I now have only the one tablet a day but was on 4 a day during chemo and never had nausea.
    I've not had herceptin. Being sick is the pits. Oddly enough I gain much comfort knowing that I'm not alone in my suffering, So thanks for sharing and best of luck for the future.