Drawing a big fat line in the sand!

Hi My Pink Angels: I have drawn a big fat line in the sand. You see for starters, I have had my lovely grand daughter stay for three and a half weeks (her mother can't control her - so I was asked to take her....) Well I couldn't say no - I think it was meant I was to step in and wave a big stick - I haven't seen this kid for two years and believe me, THAT wasn't going to happen! I have to say it was worth it as my grand daughter and I forged a wonderful friendship - though I am not happy about sending her back to a 'hornets nest' but far beit for me to 'stick my nose in'....We drove her to the airport yesterday (about 700 kilometres return trip) and we, (that is hubby and I), both hate the traffic, people and noise - so airports really are intimidating to both of us, all hubby could do was quietly mumble from the side of his mouth - "Oh, I hate this place!' Of course the drive in the traffic left us both white-knuckled and ashen faced - we both heaved a sigh of relief as I prized my fingers from the dashboard as we entered the freeway and the traffic thinned out. The night before when hubby cooked 'a special meal, (as the grand daughter was leaving the next day) - he served up creamed mushroom sauce on perfectly cooked T-Bone steaks and yours truly snapped a tooth in my denture (oh great!) I raced to the bathroom to rinse my plate (an tooth) so I could later 'glue the tooth back in) and the tooth went sailing down the plug hole - I groaned in dispair, I know the plate needed replacing, but since I got sick I have been waiting to have one last front tooth pulled so I could have the new plate................sigh! In the meantime, I closed down my Facebook account - I did this because I found one of my children had been posted back to Queensland (too busy to ring me, but not too busy for her FB friends) and I also discovered my second youngest son is getting married this weekend (in QLD also)...........no I didn't get an invite, so I didn't even know the date - I did get told however, that the woman who ruined my last marriage (my son's step mother) had her name put on the invitations as 'his Mother' - I didn't even warrent a mention - Yes, I was a bit peeved - no actually I wasn't - I was EXTREMELY peeved, and hurt! So here we are; Facebook! mmmmmm, I also found out that my grand daughter's mother had been asked on FB what airline was my grand daughter flying, to which my daughter replied, "Who cares, as long as Mum's paying for it all........." So yesterday I kissed my lovely grand daughter goodbye at Tullamarine.....yes, I cried! We got home last night too tired to even think straight and my poor hubby flaked out in the chair (he never does that normally!) and the phone rang, the mobile beeped - "Why aren't you on Facebook" - I gave the short answer "I don't want to play anymore! get over it!" This morning I had to get up and go and get the stitches out on my face - yes, it was cancer and yes, it was a very nasty one - but lucky we got it before it went to the glands..................Oh I breathed a sigh of relief - so apart from that 'scar that had 11 stitches on my face' - I wonder if the doc notices my 'gappy smile?' between that and all the other scars - right now I need to 'hide', I need to 'breath' and stay away from that nasty old Facebook that has too much information for me to digest right now! - Yes ladies I have indeed drawn a big fat line in the sand! - and there are some in my life (not just my children) but relo's and so-called friends are not allowed to cross it - because I know for sure 'they' are the ones that don't care and have shown it accordingly. I am sure you wouldn't blame me. This morning after the doctors appointment, we bought some more plants for our little garden and I commented to my husband.......I just want to enjoy this, I really do, really, really do!
How hurtful of your son not to invite you to his wedding.Your kids have given you a rough trot of late no wonder you are drawing lines in the sand.Maybe dig a big trench.Sorry to hear about the face cancer/surgery and ofcourse,your lost tooth-gosh you are on a bad roll.Must be the end of it ,surely.It's good to step back from stress and toxic people-just enjoy your husband's company and your garden.I can understand why people become hermits and go live on a mountainside.I couldn't draw that line in the sand and looks like my daughter,partner and cat will move in with us before Christmas for possibly 12mths- not definite yet.In the meantime we are minding my other daughter's cat who has gone completely mental from the move(the cat that is!).We put her in the garage yesterday when all the tradies were coming and going and she completely disappeared."mittens where are you"all over the house and up and down the street.We found her under the car bonnet,curled up in the engine.Not sure if I'll cope with 2 crazy cats.I'm on my own tonight so think I'll hit the chocolate.Take care Josie,don't let the little buggers bring you down!!
love Tonya xx
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How hurtful of your son not to invite you to his wedding.Your kids have given you a rough trot of late no wonder you are drawing lines in the sand.Maybe dig a big trench.Sorry to hear about the face cancer/surgery and ofcourse,your lost tooth-gosh you are on a bad roll.Must be the end of it ,surely.It's good to step back from stress and toxic people-just enjoy your husband's company and your garden.I can understand why people become hermits and go live on a mountainside.I couldn't draw that line in the sand and looks like my daughter,partner and cat will move in with us before Christmas for possibly 12mths- not definite yet.In the meantime we are minding my other daughter's cat who has gone completely mental from the move(the cat that is!).We put her in the garage yesterday when all the tradies were coming and going and she completely disappeared."mittens where are you"all over the house and up and down the street.We found her under the car bonnet,curled up in the engine.Not sure if I'll cope with 2 crazy cats.I'm on my own tonight so think I'll hit the chocolate.Take care Josie,don't let the little buggers bring you down!!
love Tonya xx
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How sad is that!!! I can't begin to understand how anyone could treat you as your children have. Don't know what to say - only look after yourself and only yourself (and of course your loyal hubby). You only need positive people in your life who can offer support and love. We are all here for you and I hope that you can find some others nearer to you as well. You deserve lots of love and good attention. XLeonie
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Oh Tonya, how are you going to cope? Personally I think I would turn to drink - watch out for that bloody cat on the engine of the car, the mind boggles as to what the result can be! Mind you I think I could handle crazy cats - just sit on them (just joking! - but it would be awfully funny!) I am definitly going to 'hide' for some time, hubby agrees too, he has seen so much manure going down - he amazes me that he never complains, bit of a trooper I reckon! Keep in touch I always look forward to your replies - you are a trooper too! Feel for me tomorrow won't you - I have to go for a heart ultrasound and I am hoping I don't get that horrible creep who hurts (sigh.......poor 'widdle me) take care love from Josie x x x
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I am so glad I closed my Facebook (or Faceoff book, or 'in yourFacebook, or 'sit on myfacebook' or TwofaceBook.......you want me to continue? Probably not!) any way I digress! I wanted to point out how lovely it is to have you wonderful ladies supporting me on this fantastic site and you always make me feel so much BETTER! You are a darling and thank you x x x big fat hug, from me!
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Is it very strange that I sit here at laugh at the misery, the stories that have grabbed your heart so tight. Love you heaps, so glad you can share with us all.
All the very best with your heart test.
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Thank you Cheryl - I know why I love this site so much! its comments such as yours that really make me feel a 1000% better! Thank you, thank you! and yes, "No retreat, no surrender" I am going to make that my philosophy from now on, because I think it's time I listened to my big wake-up call - having your support is heart warming and fills me with hope and gives me so much more strength! x x x Hugs Josie
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Thank you Maria - today has been a gift, this site is a bonus - you helped me put a smile on my face x x x hugs Josie (ps the heart test is every three months - just another day at the office (lol!)
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Oh dear,I will keep fingers crossed that you don't get heavy handed Lurch tomorrow.But if you do,I bet you'll give him a serve because your in the "take no crap"mindframe now! But honestly,hope all goes well.Gosh you must get sick of all these medical tests-it's like a full time job.
love Tonya xx
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Hi Loretta, yes some things defy description don't they - I love this site because it makes me feel supported! A little support goes a long long way doesn't it. Hubby has got the 'man flu'...............Gee isn't life just fun! He's not too bad though - so this year we have both copped the flu each - and neither of us hardly ever get the flu, only when we are exposed to crowds - so I am blaming Tullamarine for my hubbies! A multitude of people, chaos and busy, busy, busy! And people wonder why we chose the quiet life in the country, every day I see the Grampian Ranges from my front door and I think how lucky we are! x x x hugs to you too my girl!
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Dear darling Josie,
You give so much to other ladies on this site, with such humour. So not fair that your "nearest and dearest" are being so crappy!
Huge hugs,
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I love this site - because of people like you, thank you Helen. At the moment I have a really nasty dose of the flu! I can't beleive it! I guess hubby and I are a 'bit run down'...............Oh well, cough lollies and plenty of rest! x x x Josie