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Support & information for women living with secondary breast cancer

Janelle_BCNA Member Posts: 52

Information sessions for women living with advanced breast and gynaecological cancers are available at BreaCan.

The upcoming sessions:

Thursday 24th February Lisa Sheeran, Nurse Researcher at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre will present findings from the national survey on the support needs of women living with advanced breast cancer.

Monday 21st  March  Talking about difficult issues workshop  facilitated by Josie Scott

Thursday 5th May  Dr Richard De Boer will present on the  relationship between  Breast Cancer and Bones.

Also in early May BreaCan are planning to start a professionally facilitated group for women living with advanced breast and gynaecological cancers. This group will be a face to face group, meeting at BreaCan in the city, and running for 8 consecutive weeks.

As you will be aware there are few opportunities for women living with advanced cancer to meet and connect with other women in a similar situation. Please pass on this information and encourage women to call us and to come along.

Queries about these programs to Wendy Pullan:  phone 9921 0837