3rd generation chemotherapy drugs

tess44 Member Posts: 8
edited November 2016 in Community news and events

Hi everybody

Well this is my very first post now that I have come to terms with my diagnosis. Even though it seems like such a long time ago it was only 4 weeks ago that I was diagnosed with a grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma after finding a lump in my breast. I am 44yrs old so right up until the pathology results I kept believing it would just be a 3.5cm benign lump. No such luck.

I had my first meeting with oncologist last Wednesday and she has recommend I commence on 3rd generation chemotherapy drugs (docetaxel, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide) on the 1st day and pegfilgrastim on the 2nd day. I am to have 6 courses of this every 3 weeks and then have 6 weeks of radiation. Has anyone else been on these 3rd generation drugs as I woud appreciate your input on how you found these drugs. My oncologist has told me these are the drugs I most likely to get most side effects from.

I wasn't worried about surgery or pain but the idea of what chemotherapy will do to my body scares me. I do plan to keep working even though I've been told this will be unrealistic.

Anyway its great that a group exists for this breast cancer and I look forward to being a part of it.



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  • gilliann
    gilliann Member Posts: 76
    edited March 2015
    I haven't heard of the term 3rd generation chemotherapy so can't comment on that regime.
    I had ×3 FEC which stands for
    It was bright red in colour.
    I also had x3 of Docetaxel.
    I felt really tired during the 1st couple of days and slept for hours. Aside from that & the hair loss my side effects were pretty minimal. Although I did end up in hospital a couple of times with neutropenia. I was given an injection on my 2nd chemo which prevented this from happening. I'm told its pretty expensive and is not prescribed until you actually suffer from neutropenia.
    I didn't work throughout chemo, looking back I might have managed after the 1st few days of my sessions once the tiredness subsided. I suppose it depends on the type of environment you work in.
  • paulag
    paulag Member Posts: 98
    edited March 2015

    I had the same regime as Gilliann. 3 x FEC and 3 docetaxel. I too have never heard of the 3rd generation drugs. I am sure your oncologist is on the ball though.
    Take care x
  • SamzRusty
    SamzRusty Member Posts: 325
    edited March 2015

    Also not familiar with the term 3rd generation, but I was on AC (doxorubicin & cyclophosphamide) for 4 doses & 12 x Paclitaxel.

    AC was a bitch....but doable. I felt ill after the 1st does, but a switch in my take home meds the following does fixed that. Mouth ulcers were my biggest problem with AC. I did the bicarb & water, but it didn't help. I switched to Biotene mouthwash, toothpaste & oral spray which didn't hepl that much either, but it did taste better. I used Kenalog (from the pharmacy) on the bad ulcers. 

    I shaved my head to a level 2 before chemo, what I DID have left started to come out on day 14. 

    Working the week after AC would have been impossible for me, I was like a Zombie, might have been able to manage week 2 & 3 though. It's not so much that you'll be sick, you're going to feel exhausted....REALLY exhausted. I couldn't even shower the night of chemo if I left it too late. I started having a shower as soon as we got home, then stayed in bed for about 3 days. It was even an effort to go to the toilet. Oh, geez, AC blocked me up too.....I finished chemo in December & it's all coming back to me :P

    As bad as it sounds, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting it to be....you'll be surprised how well you cope once you start :)

    Sending you cyber hugs, Sam xoxoxox

  • Sandi Lockwood
    Sandi Lockwood Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2015
    Hi Gillian, I was diagnosed Nov 13 and had 3 x FEC and 3 x Docetaxel, lost hair, eyelashes etc. My biggest issue is the neuropathy in my fingers. It is limiting everything I do and very painful. They can't seem to tell me if it will resolve itself or will be permanent. Did you experience any of this?
  • paulag
    paulag Member Posts: 98
    edited March 2015
    Hi Sandi,
    I finished chemo in jan 2013, yes over 12 months ago and I had it also in my fingers and feet. The pain has gone from my fingers, but they are still,numb and I can drop things without warning. I take lyrica and endep for my feet. I still have one toe in particular which is an issue. Have been told I have to go pain free for a month before they will start weaning the drugs off. Sometimes it can disappear and other times people have it for good. I have had terrible times with my feet and really think that mine are as good as they are going to get. Mind you, small price to pay. I am here and otherwise very healthy. Love and hugs, Paula xx
  • Kb
    Kb Member Posts: 54
    edited March 2015

    I'm about to start your regime looking at the names. I don't know for sure but some docs may call this 3rd generation being the highest. I had doc appt yesterday they kept saying 3rd was the highest the drugs go to nothing higher so i'm just thinking maybe some docs refere to it as 3rd generation. you know docs they like to baffle us with techno stuff.

    i was scared shitless after yesterdays appt, the overload of what COULD happen and the word toxic ikkkkkk. But your post has helped a little thanks for sharing.

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