A Delay to our get together

Hi all
You're probably wondering what's happened....well unfortunately a lot - and it's not good.
I have had to resign from work on doctors orders, as I'm simply not well enough to continue. I have been diagnosed with yet another blood disorder and generally my health is not good.
On top of this my father (who I adore) is now in chronic heart and kidney failure and failing fast and my uncle's Parkinson has rapidly onset. So I've been running around with appointments for all of us - it's totally exhausting. Hence why I haven't confirmed our lunch get together as so much was happening.
I do sincerley apologise.
Just as I was starting to feel comfortable with my decision and about to get in touch with you all to organise our lunch - I'm hit again - this time by a terrible tragedy.
Our godson James, was killed in a freak accident last week. You may have seen it on the Channel 9 news - he was the young boy that was driving home from work, when a freak gust of wind caught a branch of a gum tree which fell thru the windscreen of his car and killed him.
I have had to postpone everything in our lives while we try to support his parents (our very dear close friends who are completely traumatised and devastated) and his family during this extraordinarily difficult time.
He was a beautiful boy and my husband and I are completely devastated.
Consequently again thoughts of a lunch together has had to be postponed. I'm SO VERY sorry!
Please be patient but I will be back in contact with you all once I feel up to it.
I really want to keep our group going and hope that we can expand and start regular fun get togethers as I promised.
Please take care and I hope you are all well.
With luv always H
Oh Helen, I am so sorry for all that you've been through. You have no need at all to apologise about the get together. My thoughts when I didn't hear from you were that you might be unwell and I was concerned for you. Sorry to hear that I was right.What a dreadful, dreadful tragedy too regarding your God son. So often you hear on the news of young people being involved in accidents when they speed or drink. I remember thinking when I saw James' story on the news, how unfair as he was totally blamesless and so unlucky. You are clearly going through a terrible time at the moment. My thoughts are with you. When you feel ready for the get-together, lets find a cafe or restaurant rather than meet at your home. Given how unwell you've been and all that you've been through, I think it would be too much. I went to a lovely cafe in your area on Saturday with some friends. It was called Gourmet Girl. Just a suggestion. My thoughts are with you and I hope that things improve for you Helen. Take care, Janet.0
Oh Helen, I am so sorry for all that you've been through. You have no need at all to apologise about the get together. My thoughts when I didn't hear from you were that you might be unwell and I was concerned for you. Sorry to hear that I was right.What a dreadful, dreadful tragedy too regarding your God son. So often you hear on the news of young people being involved in accidents when they speed or drink. I remember thinking when I saw James' story on the news, how unfair as he was totally blamesless and so unlucky. You are clearly going through a terrible time at the moment. My thoughts are with you. When you feel ready for the get-together, lets find a cafe or restaurant rather than meet at your home. Given how unwell you've been and all that you've been through, I think it would be too much. I went to a lovely cafe in your area on Saturday with some friends. It was called Gourmet Girl. Just a suggestion. My thoughts are with you and I hope that things improve for you Helen. Take care, Janet.0
Hi HelenI am sooo sorry to hear of such sadness. You are such a fighter and to that I know you will get through all of this.Your health comes first, and that is more important than work. So sorry to hear of your god son's accident and in such a tragic way. And also to your father and uncle.Take care my lovely, and keep us posted.You are in my thoughts, love as always Julie Xx0
Dear HelenI am wishing you and your family and good friends all the best and hoping you are all able to cope with all the stressors and unbelievable sadness that has been thrown at you. Life has ben very unfair to you all.Wishing you all the very best at such a terrible terrible time in your lives.Lots of love always,Mich xoxoxoxoxo0
Dear HelenI am wishing you and your family and good friends all the best and hoping you are all able to cope with all the stressors and unbelievable sadness that has been thrown at you. Life has ben very unfair to you all.Wishing you all the very best at such a terrible terrible time in your lives.Lots of love always,Mich xoxoxoxoxo0
So sorry to hear your news H , but I know your fighting strength and your ability to get through things, as you have before.i know you love to help but don't forget yourself as we'll. regards adean0