Enthusiastic & generous runners in Sydney?

Do you know any runners who would be keen to raise funds for breast cancer?
We are proud to once-again be the official charity partner of the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) Half Marathon on Sunday 19 May. For the first time this year the SMH Half-Marathon has Gold Charity Entries and we have eight to give away to runners who are keen to fundraise for us!
The special ‘gold charity entry is designed for runners who would like to make fundraising, along with their fitness the focus of their event experience. Similar to other famous runs, like the London Marathon, these entries are strictly limited. Gold Charity runners will start up front, after the Blue runners, in their own exclusive start group.
As places are limited, we will allocate the entries to runners on the strength of their commitment to fundraising and will be asking our Gold Charity Entry holders to set a fundraising target of $1,200 each.
To request a BCNA Gold Charity Entry, apply via the SMH Half Marathon website and select BCNA as your chosen charity. Gold Charity entries are likely to be snapped up quickly, so interested runners should apply soon.
If you, a friend or family member are planning to take part in the SMH Half Marathon but aren’t interested in a Gold Charity Entry, you can still fundraise for BCNA by setting up your own online fundraising page.
- For more information or to register see the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH) Half Marathon page on our website.
We encourage you all (especially those in Sydney and NSW) to spread the word to friends and family about the marathon and gold charity entry supporting BCNA.