In the Beginning
It all began when I found a lump in my right breast while have a shower about 2 weeks ago. I waited a week to see if anything it shrunk or disappeared. It didnt. So I rang the made an appointment to see my GP. She ordered full tests, blood, pap smear, mammagram, ultrasound, Fine needle aspiration.
The next afternoon about 5:15pm my Gp called to say they have found cancer cells and to come see her tomorrow at 2pm. After I picked myself up off the floor I called my hubby (at work), parents, daughters (3 of them) and my good friend/boss. They were also in shock.Hubby came home with red eyes and very upset to be with me.
After a long night and morning the appointment time came. With Hubby in tow we go in to talk with my wonderful GP. She went through all the results and recommended Me booking into Breast surgeon to take it from there. She rang the Surgeons office and booked me in for one week. A whole week I was thinking to my self. That's a life time to wait.
So that is where I am today. Waiting and trying to be hopeful and positive. My mum found this website for me to join and have some support and make new friends. Thanks Mum. Hope to meet many new pink friends.