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October Event: The emotional impact of a diagnosis of advanced cancer

Janelle_BCNA Member Posts: 52
edited November 2011 in Metastatic breast cancer

When: Thursday 21 October 5.30pm – 7.30pm

Where: BreaCan Information and Resource Centre, Queen Victoria Women's Centre, 210 Lonsdale St, Melbourne

To register: 1300 781 500

A diagnosis of advanced breast or gynaecological cancer is often accompanied by a range of complex issues, limitations and challenges that impact strongly on women and their loved ones. Maintaining emotional balance can be an ongoing challenge. This session aims to allow you to share your experiences and to discuss a range of coping strategies within a small group of women.

Liz Crocker, an experienced psychologist, will facilitate the discussion. Liz specialises in providing support to people dealing with cancer and assisting them to feel empowered in
coping with their disease, its treatment and changes in their health.

Booking is essential. Numbers are limited