Recent ILC diagnosis

Member Posts: 14 ✭
Hi i wouldnt have known i had ILC had a lesion not showed up on my mammogram.ive been having regular mamms since i turned 40.i ve just turned 63. A lesion showed up on my mamm i was sent to breast cancer clinic at qe2.ultra sound showed up ILC.4 was a scary whole life has done a complete about sneaky.i do self examination but would never have im in for a mastectomy in 2 wks and lymph nodes.tablets for maybe 10 yrs.the unknown is the hardest and scariest to digest.please push for ultra sounds.tanya
Sorry to see you join our exclusive little Club, @OTISMYCAT ... specially with ILC, which is 'that much harder to see' again .... Well done on having regular MGs since age 40! I am pretty sure I only started at age 50!! (They don't always advertise correctly that it is available for ALL women, aged 40 & up!)
Yes, a BC diagnosis is a massive hit to the body & brain as most of us didn't 'know' that we were 'sick' .... just getting on with life, then WHAM! Your life changes forever.(I reckon it even mucks your brain up even more than your body!
) Try & Keep yourself busy doing things you love (or cooking some meals & freezing them in readiness for post surgery 'easy' meals.) I hope you have supportive family & friends around you to help with things, specially after you get out of hospital, as your arm movement may be restricted for a little while.
Whack up any questions that you may have & we'll do our best to give you easy to understand answers, as we've all 'been there, done that' & know exactly how you are feeling. xx Make sure you take a trusted friend/family member with you to your appointments as both physical and mental support ... and consider recording your meetings, as it is almost impossible to remember everything that is said, on the day.
We have a private group for those with ILC ... feel free to join that group - only 'signed up' members (and not the general public) can see the posts. Anytime we find any interesting data on ILC, we put the link there
Have you decided to go for reconstruction after your mastectomy, or are you considering remaining flat?
We have a group for each - you may like to join both & check out the posts there (some with pics.)
Once again, these are totally private groups (non members & general public can't see any posts.)
Choosing reconstruction:
Remaining Flat:
Also, check out this post that has lots of info on the forum as a whole .... what to take to hospital, tips on numerous things and some 'fun' threads to check out too, if you are into gardening, art & craft, got pets etc
take care & wishing you all the best
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Thankyou so much for your kind words.i have decided to go flat. I have a good support network family and friends thankyou. My brain is moosh at the moment im trying to just keep my routine. Im having neck and shoulder stiffness from stress. I also have menieres which is triggered from stress so i have constant vertigo. Sleep is my enemy and has been since menopause and now hot flashes mainly evening and night. I enjoy cooking and my plants. I cant find my profile on early detection place. Do i just keep scrolling. Again thankyou Tanya.1
That's a bummer @OTISMYCAT - Have a chat with your GP about your sleep issues, as it is SO debilitating if you aren't getting a good night's sleep. Having a bad night now & then is 'ok' ... but not continually
And Vertigo is horrible too
re stress & relaxation that may help with your neck/shoulder stiffness (this is from a 2018 post ... you can put any 'term' in the search area click 'newest' and there'll be a lot of different posts .... )
So looking at relaxation techniques and ways to reduce stress - this just might help.
I cant find my profile on early detection place. Do i just keep scrolling..
Not sure what you are looking for here? To change your profile, click on the round pic (next to the envelope) then click on 'account & privacy settings' then 'edit profile fields' ...
take care, buddy xx0