10 months agoMember
Discussion re Dragonfly (or other ) motif for members who've passed, (so other members know)
Hi guys
With the sad passing of Wendy55 recently ... it was her desire to have the Dragonfly motif applied to her profile, so that all members who'd interacted with her over the last 10+ years, would know of her passing.
Over the years, we build up really special friendships with members on BCNA and keep in touch both online and offline - even meeting up & spending time together. We support each other in good times & bad .... and that support is so special.
Here is some BCNA history of the 'start' of using the dragonfly motif - both as a show of respect for the member who has passed, and a very gentle way of advising members of their passing. Back then, When members passed away, it was attached to their profile.
Once again, discussion re the use of a Dragonfly (or any motif) to signify that a loved member has passed .... has been raised again. But we don't want to hijack this thread .... hence the start of this new thread.
For a year or more, the Dragonfly motif suddenly 'disappeared' - only showing as a broken jpeg instead. Then ... YAY ... it shows again on those previous members' profiles ... but it is still not being offered to current members or those who've recently passed away, even if they wanted it. :(
Quite a few of us have raised this issue with the Mods & been told that at this point, the Dragonfly Motif would not be reinstated, with no real reason given - other than it appeared to upset a couple of people. That's OK - if it is reinstated (and that is what a lot of members want ...) it isn't compulsory - so those who don't want it, won't apply for it! Easy Peasy! As with any post that they don't agree with - just scroll on by! ;)
It doesn't seem fair that a few people who don't want it, prevents those who do want it, from having it attached to their profile. It is not offensive in any way.
Just for the record - I want it attached to mine! ;) And I am happy to go with the Dragonfly Motif.
I find this really hard to understand - particularly as it was started by BCNA for one of their own Community Liaison members as a show of respect & caring - and was then extended/offered to all members!
In the recent survey with Tamsin Stanford (on the upgrading of BCNA's hosting platform
later in the year) I know that a lot of members also raised the Dragonfly Motif again, asking for it to be reinstated. If you would like to have the Motif applied to your own profile after you've passed - message Mez with your request.
Keep in mind - it is not compulsory - and you'd have to make your wishes known to the Mods and also make sure a family member notifies the Mods of your passing, giving permission to apply the Dragonfly Motif to the member's profile and keep/archive your discussions.
It doesn't even have to be the Dragonfly Motif - it could be anything!
If not continuing with the Dragonfly Motif - What else would you suggest that is tasteful? (The Dragonfly Motif is shown here: )
I look forward to some respectful discussions on the subject! ;)
take care
With the sad passing of Wendy55 recently ... it was her desire to have the Dragonfly motif applied to her profile, so that all members who'd interacted with her over the last 10+ years, would know of her passing.
Over the years, we build up really special friendships with members on BCNA and keep in touch both online and offline - even meeting up & spending time together. We support each other in good times & bad .... and that support is so special.
Here is some BCNA history of the 'start' of using the dragonfly motif - both as a show of respect for the member who has passed, and a very gentle way of advising members of their passing. Back then, When members passed away, it was attached to their profile.
Once again, discussion re the use of a Dragonfly (or any motif) to signify that a loved member has passed .... has been raised again. But we don't want to hijack this thread .... hence the start of this new thread.
For a year or more, the Dragonfly motif suddenly 'disappeared' - only showing as a broken jpeg instead. Then ... YAY ... it shows again on those previous members' profiles ... but it is still not being offered to current members or those who've recently passed away, even if they wanted it. :(
Quite a few of us have raised this issue with the Mods & been told that at this point, the Dragonfly Motif would not be reinstated, with no real reason given - other than it appeared to upset a couple of people. That's OK - if it is reinstated (and that is what a lot of members want ...) it isn't compulsory - so those who don't want it, won't apply for it! Easy Peasy! As with any post that they don't agree with - just scroll on by! ;)
It doesn't seem fair that a few people who don't want it, prevents those who do want it, from having it attached to their profile. It is not offensive in any way.
Just for the record - I want it attached to mine! ;) And I am happy to go with the Dragonfly Motif.
I find this really hard to understand - particularly as it was started by BCNA for one of their own Community Liaison members as a show of respect & caring - and was then extended/offered to all members!
In the recent survey with Tamsin Stanford (on the upgrading of BCNA's hosting platform
later in the year) I know that a lot of members also raised the Dragonfly Motif again, asking for it to be reinstated. If you would like to have the Motif applied to your own profile after you've passed - message Mez with your request.
Keep in mind - it is not compulsory - and you'd have to make your wishes known to the Mods and also make sure a family member notifies the Mods of your passing, giving permission to apply the Dragonfly Motif to the member's profile and keep/archive your discussions.
It doesn't even have to be the Dragonfly Motif - it could be anything!
If not continuing with the Dragonfly Motif - What else would you suggest that is tasteful? (The Dragonfly Motif is shown here: )
I look forward to some respectful discussions on the subject! ;)
take care