Sadly, Wendy55 passed away on March 3rd, 2024

arpie Member Posts: 8,040
edited May 19 in General discussion
I have just heard the sad news from Wendy55's partner, Ron, that Wendy passed away on March 3rd, 2024.   He asked me to thank everyone for their friendship and contact with Wendy over the years. xx

She was first diagnosed with Breast Cancer 11 years ago - and had the most amazing Oncologist who fought for her all the way - she was on many new tests and trials with many good outcomes.  Most Oncs will only give you 2-3 'lines of treatment' ... Wendy's Onc gave her 10 or 11.  She was on many trials & tests & given meds on compassionate grounds .... but late last year, things started getting really tough.

It was Wendy's wish that her friends on BCNA be advised of her passing. 

She wanted the Dragonfly Motif to grace her name.   

Wendy was just the most amazing, uplifting, wise, wonderful woman - so tolerant of the treatment she was going thru - yet wiling to share SO MUCH of her story with all of us. 

Wendy had been the beacon for so many members here (particularly those with Mets) and was so supportive of everyone else, even when she was feeling so crook herself, particularly in the last 6 months of her life. 

She was incredibly supportive of me, when my beloved husband was diagnosed with Mets in 2020 and passed away in May 2022 .... for which I will forever be grateful.

They really could write a book about her Breast Cancer story - as she never stopped fighting.  

Vale Wendy - Rest in Peace my friend.  Fly high xx

I have advised my siblings that I, too, want members to know of my demise and the dragonfly attached to my profile, when the time comes.   They will email BCNA when appropriate.



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,040
    xxx  I agree 100% about the dragonfly motif, @Cath62 - I want the dragonfly motif on MY profile when I pass.  It is a very gentle way of letting other members know that that person is no longer with us - and recognition of their contribution to us all.  :(  

  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,936
    edited May 18
    @arpie, Please thank Ron for letting us know.  It is very sad news and it does stop us all wondering about her.  I hope her family are coping and see her in the clouds, watching down on them.  Her spirit is flying free.

    I recently asked BCNA about the dragonfly symbol disappearing but apparently privacy comes into it.  Hopefully they will reach out to Ron for any required approval and she will get her wish to be recognised in this way.
  • Julez1958
    Julez1958 Member Posts: 1,235
    Thanks @arpie
    Wendy truly was an inspiration to us all , especially those with a Mets diagnosis.
    I always though the dragonfly motif to indicate those members who had passed on was a good idea and in terms of privacy issues I would have thought BCNA could contact the members of the online network to seek their approval ( or otherwise) to the use of the motif if they pass on.
    For myself I would like it to be on my profile should I pass on as a result of this disease.

  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 967
    @arpie thankyou for letting us know.  That is very sad news.  I personally would like to see the dragonfly icon against someone's name who has passed.  It's a gentle way of giving respect to members who have contributed to the forum.  All members should be asked if they would like the icon against their name when they pass.  I understand everyone may not want it, but please ask us members what we would like.   I would want it against my name.  I have asked my family to advise bcna.
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,438
    @arpie, @Locksley and @Julez1958 seems several of us would like to be recognised if we pass from this disease and me included.

    This organisation only exists because of our disease and we should be able to have a dragonfly if we one. @Mez_BCNA this really should be put forward again. Things change and ad someone with mets, I feel very strongly about this.

    This feedback from us here needs to included in the current survey and escalated. Please also escalate my previous feedback about listing members of the mets group by active first instead of by joining group date. 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,696
    Thank you for sharing this sad news!
    A reminder of the fragility of this damned Breast Cancer 🎀 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,040
    edited May 19
    Absolutely, @Cath62 - I actually believe there should be 2 x 'click options' within our profile that we can change at any time to:

    1) permission to advise members of our demise once BCNA is made aware of it by a family member
    2) Add Dragonfly to our profile as a sign of respect

    Initially I thought maybe a question when registering with BCNA - as at that point, the new member doesn't have a relationship with the group & would be unlikely to tick 'yes' ...

    Wendy55 was also very concerned about inactive members, particularly in the Mets Private Group - it should be a simple change, to show members from 'joined most recently' rather than as is showing now ... 

    Checking on inactive members could be something as simple as the Mods sending an email out to those who've been inactive for a year or so - 'just checking on how you are going' ..... and hopefully they would reply - or else a family member may reply, advising that the member had passed away.  xx 

    Many of us have ongoing 'offline' contact with members who have become very good friends & we also socialise and holiday together - many of us have exchanged email & phone numbers, so that we can keep in touch when offline .... and we support each other thru good times & bad.

    And having the Dragonfly added to passed member's profiles - shows that WE CARE!

  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,438

  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,466
    I felt so upset when a friend had passed from this disease and it took me two months before finding out. Chasing someone up for months only to find out they have died is extremely cruel. Bring back the dragonfly.
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,936
    Ditto @Blossom1961
    Why the Dragonfly was discontinued without consultation is beyond me.  Obviously those 'in charge' have no understanding of how we feel about each other.
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,088
    Sending compassion and kindness to all of those who are friends of Wendy. Very saddened to hear of her passing and hope you all connect with and support each other during this time.

    We don't want to take away from purpose of this discussion in honouring Wendy and will keep this next part brief. We do not want to ignore the conversations around the Dragonfly and the legacy process, we encourage you to please voice this feedback in the survey (Refer to post Have your say on the Online Network )

    Take care and reflect on the wonderful connections you have had with your friend Wendy.
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,438
    Thanks @Mez_BCNA. We definitely are honouring our friend. 

    I am sure as well as the survey, you are also able to raise the concerns mentioned here to help us.