Forum Discussion

cactusk's avatar
12 months ago

Letrozole / Zoladex Side Effects Hitting Hard

Hi there,
I'm day 9 of Letrozole, and week 2 of my second Zoladex injection.
The joint pain has hit, but my biggest challenge is fluid retention, especially in my legs. Sitting and standing are really hard, I can't bend my legs more than 90 degrees. I've tried lying with my feet elevated but to no apparent benefit.
(both drugs' eviQ notes have edema as a side effect)
Given it's Good Friday and everyone in my medical team is uncontactable, any clues on what I can do to alleviate or relieve this?
Taking 2 hourly meds for the joint pain (panadol then nurofen) but this has no discernible impact on the swelling.
Meant to be flying to Perth tonight to see my father - but worried and thinking I should cancel.
Any advice?
  • So sorry, I can’t advise much to help
    but would certainly not fly without some medical advice first. Disappointing I am sure, but it could make things a lot worse. And you then have to come back.
  • Head to the Emergency Department of your nearest Hospital to be assessed 
    Best wishes 
  • Thanks @Afraser and @iserbrown - appreciate you
    Managed to find a GP open and had a consultation.
    Diuretics prescribed, have my compression stockings and have been given the OK to go.
    I'm really hoping that the side effects start out strong and then lessen. If this is only the beginning then I'm more than a tad concerned.
    Just when I think I have my head around how the next bit will play out, there comes along another 'challenge'.
    Had absolutely no concept of the continual hurdles along this route.
  • Well done! Better safe than sorry - enjoy your weekend, and cross fingers for improvements. 
  • Hopefully a hurdle that's coming under control!  Enjoy your trip to Perth 
    Best wishes 
    Safe travels 
  • Made in here safely. Fluid retention is significant - going to see another GP today. The diuretics I was given hardly made any impact.
    Have a long email to may oncologist and BC nurse and will be calling them first up on Tuesday when they're back from Easter.
    I can absolutely understand and sympathise with those that stop their AI's earlier - there is absolutely no way I could live like this. 
    I realise that this is only early days so I'm really hoping (and telling myself to believe) that the team will be able to not only get me over this hurdle but figure out a way forward that is sustainable.
    Last week I went to the gym on Sunday, swam 1km on Tuesday.
    Today I need to hold onto something to stand up from sitting, don't have the thumb / wrist strength to assemble my coffee pot, and am taking 2 hourly painkillers. 
    Really puts a dent in how I can spend time with my father and my friends.
    Best Easter wishes to you all 