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Spread to tummy lining and adrenal gland

Glynnis Member Posts: 360
Hi everyone, had a Petscan on Saturday results today, spread to my stomach lining and adrenal gland now very small but there, has anyone else been in this position? If so how was it treated? I have to have a biopsie done to confirm same cancer then possible infused chemo again, 


  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    That's not good to hear @Glynnis. It must have been a shock. I am not in your situation so not sure about how they treat these things. Hopefully someone on here can comment. When do you see your doctor again? I guess when they have the results a treatment plan can be developed quickly.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    So sorry to hear this news, @Glynnis ….

    As @Cath62 says, your team will fill you in on the probable treatment plan after your biopsy results … I would think you’d be seeing your Onc again fairly soon.  

    Where abouts are you?  Will you be able to continue seeing your earlier Onc? 

    Take care & all the best for the biopsy results & your ongoing appointments xx

  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    Hi @Cath62 see onc again on 28/4 biopsie being done on 24/4. They talking infused chemo again. One thing in my favour the new spread are small. I’m just scared now because the bastard is in my organs 
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Hi @Glynnis, I think it's normal to be frightened. I would be. Shame you can't see your oncologist sooner. You could ask to get in earlier if a cancellation. Medicine is so amazing now and treatment is so much better. Wish I could give u a really big hug xx
  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    Thankyou cath62 earliest I could get in for biopsie is 24th then see oncologist on 28th so not too long to wait after biopsie, fingers crossed it’s still The breast cancer and hasn’t changed they pretty sure it is so get the results then move on to next chapter in this hideous disease 
  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    Update: was the same breast cancer so starting infused chemotherapy tomorrow, once a week for 3 weeks then week off, then start again for about 3 months then will be rescanned to see how we going 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    edited May 2023
    All the best for the chemo @Glynnis.... keep your fluids up and I hopefully the side effects won't be too bad.  Eat well, sleep when you feel like you need it ... and take care xx
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Thanks for the update @Glynnis. I hope you get a good result from chemo and your side effects aren't too bad. Let us know how you are going with it. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Take care @Fifilamour and @Glynnis  - I hope you both go well with your treatment xx

  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @Glynnis and @Fifilamour,

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    That's terrific news @Glynnis - all the best for your Onc visit on Fri & the scans!  

  • Fifilamour
    Fifilamour Member Posts: 25
    @Glynnis just wondering how you are going?
    I am hoping to have pet scan in next couple of weeks as it’s been almost 3 months on abemocyclicib and Fulvestrant injections. 
    Do you have digestion issues? If you do, how do you manage them?
    Hope all is good for you!
    @Fifilamour xxx
  • Hi @Glynnis and @Fifilamour. Sorry I am late to this convo. I have lobular MBC. Mets in bones back in 2021 and late 2022, it spread to my stomach lining, and I have 1 impacted lymph node.  I'm triple negative. I did 7 months of chemo this year - Trodelvy (because I'm TNBC) which worked on my bone Mets. But I needed to swap to Gemcetabine CarboPlatin to deal with stomach Mets, which I completed 5 cycles. It did seem to work, tumours markers came down 50%, CT and pet scans reported the disease as stable. That was late Aug.  
    Then 1 month later, the stomach pains start again and I ended up in ED over the weekend. (It was my 3rd time in hospital in 6 months related to my GI tract shutting down!). CT scans and gastroscopy show the disease is still active in my stomach wall and the peritoneum.  My markers have doubled!  I go on chemo again next week, just not sure which one.  
    So, yes Lobular MBC is tricky. Stomach Mets is becoming more common with lobular. Main positive is that it tends to be slow growing, although mine seems a bit more on the fast growing side.  Stomach pains and trouble eating are a regular side effect.  I have a good dietician.  I take Omeprazole 40mg to reduce the acid produced by my stomach, and have altered my diet permanently to low soluble fibre (eg lots of soft food). I don't know if this will fix the stomach flare ups.   
    I send my love to you both.  Good luck with your next scan results.  And I will keep you posted with my treatment. I wish we all had a magic solution.  The chemo treadmill just gets tiring after a while.  This will be my 6th line!! 😥