Interesting article on Keto Diet, specifically re Breast Cancer

A friend was interested in trying a Keto diet (high fat, low carb) & its relevance, specifically, to Breast Cancer - and whether it would even be 'safe' to do so .......

She asked her Onc if it was OK to try.  Onc said FINE.

So far, she has lost 5kg and feeling much better in herself - she was diagnosed Stage 4 a few years ago.  

There would appear to be quite a few factors that would encourage using the Keto Diet for those with Breast Cancer - with some even claiming remission!

Check it out here:


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472

    Thanks, it’s an interesting article. If your friend is losing weight and feeling well, that’s all
    positive.And she’s got her doctor’s OK. The human test cases cited are pretty small and as we all know, cancer is not one thing so a particular diet may help with one case and not another. But diet clearly can be an adjunct to conventional treatment (not a replacement for) and more human research on keto or other dietary regimes would be valuable. 
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Thanks @arpie. I got fed up with the weight gain I had with my treatment. The sterile during chemo didn't help and nor did tamoxifen. I switched to Letrozole and thought I simply had to do something different to loose weight.

    I have always exercised and I thought my diet was good. However it is fabulous now thst I am on a low carb or dirty keto diet. I did this with my oncologist support.

    I started in October and have lost 10kgs. I feel fantastic and my energy is so much better. My skin is better, no joint pain, my  confidence is better, I am less anxious and I have notice a few other encouraging improvements in my health and well-being. 

    I am hoping for another 5 kgs to loose and then I will just maintain my weight. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to do this with their Dr's support. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Well done, @Cath62 .... that is just AWESOME!! 

    Do you follow a particular meal plan or do you sort of do 'what you like' .... and what is the difference between regular 'Keto' and 'Dirty Keto'?

    I've dropped a bit over 5kg, tho not specifically using the Keto diet ... just eating more meat & less 'other stuff', I think - also eating lots of avocados .... but I like the science behind the Keto Diet.   I'd like to lose another 5kg, even 10kg ... and keep it off.

    Below is a really WONDERFUL website resource (for ANY book) - I have it set to 'dirty keto' on the link below - but you can search for anything (or choose any subject or any author!). Just search for 'Keto' for 56 pages of Keto books!

    I use it all the time, even for Ukulele stuff!!:

    I've downloaded these Keto books from it so far .... if anyone would like a copy of any of them, just message me!

  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    @arpie i don't follow a meal plan. We just work it out day to day. Basically we just shop vegetable, berries and protein. No root vegetables. 

    Given the science around it and my oncologist support, hubby is also doing it and I am sure he will benefit too, especially given his cancer as well. Btw his surgery is on Monday and he had lost 5kgs in preparation. He will continue with it post surgery. 

    We are not strict keto as we sometimes have carbs in sauces and have a very occasional cheat day (not many) hence calling it dirty keto. Thanks for the book tips. I will have a look and let you know if I want any. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    All the best for Hubby's surgery, @Cath62. xx  
  • Locksley
    Locksley Member Posts: 983
    @cath62  Congratulations on your weight loss.   I love potatoes they are so comforting.    Hope all goes well with hubbys surgery.  
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Best wishes @Cath62 for hubby's surgery 
    Take care
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,529
    Thanks for your well wishes for my husband's surgery @Locksley and @iserbrown. We have waited 6 months for this cancer to be removed from his kidney and we know it has grown in that time. My Colin will loose part of his kidney but hopefully he will recover quickly. With my breast cancer and melanomas and now this we are a bit over cancer. 😉