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Disability support pension

hello.  Let me tell you a little bit about me.  I am diagnosed with my 3rd breast cancer and am currently undergoing chemotherapy and have a rare syndrome called lfs.  This syndrome has a much higher chance of getting cancer than the average person, and the risk of getting cancer increases with age.  I first got cancer 6 years ago, and until now, breast cancer has occurred at an interval of 2 years and 6 months, and I have had bilateral mastectomy.  I am suffering from nervousness and anxiety because the probability of getting other cancers as well as breast cancer in the future is quite high.  Currently working as an admin about 14 hours a week and my husband is making money, but it is not enough to live with our three children.  My oncology says that I will have to undergo chemotherapy until I die.  If I apply for dsp in this situation, is there any possibility of approval?  Is it difficult to get approval if my husband is earning money?


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804

    The link above will help.   It's a complex process and your husband's income will be part of the assessment.  

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    You've had an unlucky run, @watertrue .... wishing you all the best with your ongoing treatment xx

  • Carissa_BCNA
    Carissa_BCNA Member Posts: 252
    Hi @watertrue

    You may have tried these avenues but if not you may like to speak to a social worker at your treating hospital as they should be able to help guide you through support that you may be eligible for and help you with any application process. Otherwise, you may like to speak to the Cancer Council as they can provide financial counselling and assistance. Their phone number is 13 11 20. 

    Best wishes for your treatment. 
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    @watertrue I have replied on your other thread.  It sounds like you are not getting the help you deserve.  Please PM me if you need any more information.  

  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    While you gather your information for a disability claim you should register for unemployment as the hours you are working isn't really full employment. This will get you and your family a pensioner concession card which has been a huge help to me when my Doctor stopped bulk billing. It also means my $96 a month precriptions only cost me about $15.
    Disability works on a points system with about 13 categories. A few points in a few sections may tally the required score but it doesn't mean you immediately get the pension as you need to be registed with a disability job provider for 18 months as well. Thats where the register for unemployment comes in as they can get you that disability job provider.
    If you are incapacitated enough in one section and reaches the appropiate score you can get immediate disability pension.
    Sometimes you might need a lawyer who specialises in helping your claim or a health worker with appropriate credentials.
    I am trying again after I was knocked back in 2017. I haven't worked since breast cancer in 2015. This time I have a whole mental health team helping from the psychiatrist, psychologist and mental health nurse and am waiting on the judgement from Centerlink now.
    My husband does work but he is registered as my carer and still gets a little retainer every fortnight and every little bit helps. In unemployment I have to report every fortnight, my income and hours (zero) and my husbands as well. They then pay me, with a reduction in my payment but I do get something at least. I also get subsidies to electricity which is good and our council rates have a pensioner concession too.
    Here is a link which is hard to find online with the tables.