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CT scan results

Pearl Member Posts: 16
Hi. I'm into my 6th year after having surgery, chemo and radiation treatment for estrogen positive breast cancer. My recent scan says that I have sclerotic changes in my ribs consistent with Paget's disease. I don't get to see my oncologist for about 6 weeks and I was wondering if anyone really understands what that means and can explain it to me. I can google it but I get lots of weird stuff to make me more confused!! I fear my cancer has come back , this time in my bones. 


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Hi @Pearl
    I can’t advise about Paget’s disease but is there no way you can talk to your oncologist sooner? Even a teleconference would assist you to know more about your specific issues. Six weeks is a long time to be worrying, it would be good if you can get some earlier advice. Best wishes. 
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Please return to your gp for follow up treatment advice 
    Perhaps even another  specialist could start treatment  sooner

    Blood test also important
    Good luck 
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    I checked the Mayo clinic for info and bone strengthens are usually recommended
    check with GP 
  • Pearl
    Pearl Member Posts: 16
    Thankyou..I hope to see the GP in 2 weeks. The oncologist isn't available and I'm hoping if there was any urgency that he would've contacted me. I've had blood tests that seem normal and what I think will happen is that it will be a " wait and see" till next CT to see if anything changes. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    All the best with your results, @Pearl.  The waiting really IS the pits!  xx. The old adage No News is Good News .... doesn't always carry much weight with us tho!  :( 

    Your Onc will review the CT Scan Report & it should also be made available to your GP (if he was on the referral - I make sure my GO is on EVERYTHING.). Normally the Onc would see you in a timely manner & then do a report on both the CT and you ... to the GP.

    Shame you can't get in earlier to both .... The GP should also be able to review the report & if there was anything of concern, they should contact you re an earlier appt.  If there was nothing of concern, the GP should review it & they should then make it available for you to have a copy.   (Mine does.)  Give it a day or so - ring the GPs office & ask if he's reviewed the report.  If he HAS reviewed it & there is nothing of concern - ask for a copy. Then you could ring the helpline (in the blue banner at the top of the page) to discuss it. 

    Take care xx
  • Pearl
    Pearl Member Posts: 16
    Hi. Yes I am now seeing the GP next week. Thanks for your reply. I'll let you know what happens.