Webinair on the use of Medicinal Cannabis Oil on Bone Mets & gynaecological cancer

Trial using medicinal cannabis for bone metastases
Date: Wednesday, 15/09/2021
Time: 11.00am–12.00pm
Location: Webinar
PLEASE NOTE: This session is only for women with advanced/metastatic breast or gynaecological cancer.
Biotech company Medlab Clinical are conducting a chronic pain observational study to understand the effectiveness, tolerability and safety of pharmaceutical grade medicinal cannabis. The trial is available to patients across Australia. Findings from the Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials identified that patients with bone metastases were responding well to medicinal cannabis therapy. As a result, a more targeted trial has commenced and there is keen interest in recruiting more patients experiencing chronic pain from bone metastases to further investigate this finding. If successful, this therapy may provide a viable alternative to opioid drugs.
Learn about the trial using medicinal cannabis for metastatic bone pain from Daniel Tan, Regional Team Leader at Medlab Clinical.
You are welcome to submit questions in advance – email info@counterpart.org.au (please note Trial using medicinal cannabis for bone metastases in the subject line).
You can also ask questions in the session.
Complete registration for this event via our Eventbrite listing via the link below:
Register for the Trial using medicinal cannabis for bone metastases webinar
NB. This session is only for women with advanced/metastatic breast or gynaecological cancer.
Registrations for this session close at 5pm Tuesday 14 September
You can now watch the Video of the webinar here: