Tamoxifen - Endometrial Cancer

ChezaH Member Posts: 549
Has anybody else had this
happen. ??????

Now I am booked in to see a gynecologist / also is oncologist  in
his field ,as my GP says that the Tamoxifen tablets have cause Endometrial thickness now measures 9mm ,has gone from 4mm to 9mm in just 6 months, and there is a chance to get
endometrial cancer, so I am thinking he will want me to have a
hysterectomy NOT HAPPY JAN !!!!! I checked and it says in the side
effects of the tablets, that it is a side effect.   My GP rang my
oncologist but he wants me to stay on the tablets.    
Really concerning as you are damned if you do and damned if you don't 



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    edited June 2021
    Oh BUGGER BUGGER BUM @ChezaH!  Sending BIG HUGS xxxx. Can they do a biopsy on the lining to double check?

    That is not what you wanted to hear ....  I had read somewhere that Tamoxifen can do that .... but I don't think it is very common.

    Hopefully it is this:  Endometrial hyperplasia is a condition of the female reproductive system. The lining of the uterus (endometrium) becomes unusually thick because of having too many cells (hyperplasia). It's not cancer, but in certain women, it raises the risk of developing endometrial cancer, a type of uterine cancer.

    All the best with your gynaecologist appt .... ask them about continuing to take the tablets ..... 

    Thinking of you xxxx

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    edited June 2021
    Oh yes been there!

    I am under a Gynaecology Oncologist 

    Doesn't always mean hysterectomy.   I have had 2 hysteroscopy 

    "Hysteroscopy | healthdirect" https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/amp/article/hysteroscopy

    A recent post on the topic

    "Tamoxifen and endometrial hyperplasia — BCNA Online Network" https://onlinenetwork.bcna.org.au/discussion/22866/tamoxifen-and-endometrial-hyperplasia
  • ChezaH
    ChezaH Member Posts: 549

    arpie said:

    Oh BUGGER BUGGER BUM @ChezaH!  Sending BIG HUGS xxxx. Can they do a biopsy on the lining to double check?

    That is not what you wanted to hear ....  I had read somewhere that Tamoxifen can do that .... but I don't think it is very common.

    Hopefully it is this:  Endometrial hyperplasia is a condition of the female reproductive system. The lining of the uterus (endometrium) becomes unusually thick because of having too many cells (hyperplasia). It's not cancer, but in certain women, it raises the risk of developing endometrial cancer, a type of uterine cancer.

    All the best with your gynaecologist appt .... ask them about continuing to take the tablets ..... 

    Thinking of you xxxx

    Thank you I will certainly be asking questions xx
  • ChezaH
    ChezaH Member Posts: 549

    iserbrown said:

    Oh yes been there!

    I am under a Gynaecology Oncologist 

    Doesn't always mean hysterectomy.   I have had 2 hysteroscopy 

    "Hysteroscopy | healthdirect" https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/amp/article/hysteroscopy

    A recent post on the topic

    "Tamoxifen and endometrial hyperplasia — BCNA Online Network" https://onlinenetwork.bcna.org.au/discussion/22866/tamoxifen-and-endometrial-hyperplasia

    Thank you a bit overwhelmingxx
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    You'll be fine!  You've got our experience to draw on!
    Best part for me, and who'd thought, I was so delighted when I was told my ovaries had shrunk!
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    That’s a major bummer Cheryl. One of the main reasons I never want to go on Tamoxifen is cos it causes heavy periods, and I’m still on mine, and cos it can cause endometrial cancer. In short, it messes with your uterus. But as the ladies have said, it’s probably hyperplasia at the moment. My friend, who is 42 and had bc in 2017, is on T and is going through check ups right now for the same thing. Is there absolutely no way for you to be transferred on to an aromatase inhibitor?? They generally don’t give this side effect, and are also a little more effective in preventing recurrence. Why isn’t your onc switching you to one of those, have they told you? 
    And can you get a hysteroscopy instead? 
    Sending you a big hug 🤗♥️
  • Cath62
    Cath62 Member Posts: 1,530
    Sorry to hear you are going through this @ChezaH. As if you have not been through enough already. I am in tamoxifen but I had a hysterectomy some years back. I had tge choice of AIs or tamoxifen and am on tamoxifen because of the joint pain issue with AIs. I hope this is nothing sinister for you. Sending hugs. 🌷
  • ChezaH
    ChezaH Member Posts: 549

    FLClover said:

    That’s a major bummer Cheryl. One of the main reasons I never want to go on Tamoxifen is cos it causes heavy periods, and I’m still on mine, and cos it can cause endometrial cancer. In short, it messes with your uterus. But as the ladies have said, it’s probably hyperplasia at the moment. My friend, who is 42 and had bc in 2017, is on T and is going through check ups right now for the same thing. Is there absolutely no way for you to be transferred on to an aromatase inhibitor?? They generally don’t give this side effect, and are also a little more effective in preventing recurrence. Why isn’t your onc switching you to one of those, have they told you? 
    And can you get a hysteroscopy instead? 
    Sending you a big hug 🤗♥️

    Thank you, My GP rang my oncologist but he wants me to stay on Tamoxifen, so when I see the gyno/oncol I am waiting to see what he says first then maybe go back to my oncologist not sure yet xx
  • ChezaH
    ChezaH Member Posts: 549

    Cath62 said:

    Sorry to hear you are going through this @ChezaH. As if you have not been through enough already. I am in tamoxifen but I had a hysterectomy some years back. I had tge choice of AIs or tamoxifen and am on tamoxifen because of the joint pain issue with AIs. I hope this is nothing sinister for you. Sending hugs. 🌷

    Thank you xx

  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    That’s a good idea. Have your gyn onco tell you what they think, then make a decision with your onc based on that. Hope it sorts out smoothly and gently 🍀
  • Stork
    Stork Member Posts: 121
    I have been on Tamoxifen for 4 years 
    every year I have a ultrasound at a women’s radiology clinic 
    Lsst week I had my annual ultrasound 
    my results was reviewed by a specialist gynaecologist at the time of the exam and was told my results were normal for my age and my medications
    One day later I saw my oncologist and was advised to keep on taking the tamoxifen for one more year might change next year 
    I am happy and confident with the advice I have received 
    Best wishes Stork
  • ChezaH
    ChezaH Member Posts: 549

    FLClover said:

    That’s a good idea. Have your gyn onco tell you what they think, then make a decision with your onc based on that. Hope it sorts out smoothly and gently 🍀

    Thank you

  • ChezaH
    ChezaH Member Posts: 549

    Stork said:

    I have been on Tamoxifen for 4 years 
    every year I have a ultrasound at a women’s radiology clinic 
    Lsst week I had my annual ultrasound 
    my results was reviewed by a specialist gynaecologist at the time of the exam and was told my results were normal for my age and my medications
    One day later I saw my oncologist and was advised to keep on taking the tamoxifen for one more year might change next year 
    I am happy and confident with the advice I have received 
    Best wishes Stork

    Thank you
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Hi @ChezaH,
    Yes, me too. Endometrial hyperplasia caused by Tamoxifen. Hysteroscopy. Nothing sinister. Went away once I changed to Letrozole tablets and Zoladex injections.

  • ChezaH
    ChezaH Member Posts: 549

    Dory65 said:

    Hi @ChezaH,
    Yes, me too. Endometrial hyperplasia caused by Tamoxifen. Hysteroscopy. Nothing sinister. Went away once I changed to Letrozole tablets and Zoladex injections.

    That was good , but my oncologist does not want me to change from Tamoxifen