DIEP flap reconstruction

Member Posts: 1 ✭
I was wondering of others experiences of DIEP flap reconstruction. From my research it seems to be the most natural way to reconstruct a breast. My surgeon did not seem confident that he would be able to create symmetry using this method. When I look at google images it seems that it is very possible to achieve a really excellent result this way.
What are the experiences of others? What does one do if in the public system without private health insurance? Is there a way to request a particular surgeon?
What are the options? Can one simply pay for the plastic surgeon and do the rest on public? Thank you for your comments and experiences.
What are the experiences of others? What does one do if in the public system without private health insurance? Is there a way to request a particular surgeon?
What are the options? Can one simply pay for the plastic surgeon and do the rest on public? Thank you for your comments and experiences.
Hi @Sally_T75,I think the DIEP flap would def be the most natural way to reconstruct a breast. It is, however, also quite a long surgery with a long recovery time. Lots of women on this forum have had a DIEP done, and you can see their results and read about their experiences with it in the reconstruction group. It’s a private group so just make a request to join, then you can check out the photo stories and ask questions there 👌🏻.In terms of payment, I asked if I could pay my surgeon privately and have my mastectomies done publicly, and they agreed. But it was in a hospital that offered both options. Some hospitals don’t offer this. You’ll prob be best finding a surgeon you like who works both private and public, and try to organise it that way.I’m sure some other ladies will share their experiences with you.Good luck! 🍀1
As @FLClover says, the payment options will depend on the hospital/surgeon. The DIEP is the one that my surgeon has recommended for me but it is major abdominal surgery so I am reluctant at this stage to do it. It can have complications as can any surgery but I have heard lots of good reports of it.1
Hi @Sally_T75 - why don't you join the Breast Reconstruction group as many of us there have had DIEPs. https://onlinenetwork.bcna.org.au/group/1-choosing-breast-reconstruction1