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how to accept the diagnosis?

beatit Member Posts: 4
edited October 2019 in Metastatic breast cancer
I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in May. I had radiation treatment on my spine and  wasstarted on Kisquali and Letrozole (was previously on Arimidex). My original diagnosis was in 2017, when I had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation and went on Arimidex.
The Kisquali is now not working and I am being assessed for a drug trial. Thought I was coping but have hit a real flat spot and realise I am not managing at all. How do you ladies manage? 


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I don't have any wise words for you, just wanted to come on and send you a big hug. You've been dealt the shittest of  hands. My sister had good days and bad days, and focussed a lot on making memories. Fingers crossed for the drug trial. K xox
  • beatit
    beatit Member Posts: 4
    thanks. It helps knowing i'm not the only one in this position
  • HD4873
    HD4873 Member Posts: 6
    I can empathise with you @beatit. I've just been diagnosed with lung mets in the past week, and waiting to confirm whether it's in the bone as well.  All of this less than 12 months after my initial diagnosis. At the moment, I think my family are providing the only incentive for me to continue the fight.  Managing for me is moment by moment, and holding on to any small positives as they arise.  I sincerely hope that you can find a 'lift', but in the meantime, give yourself permission to be 'flat'
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,315
    I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis @beatit - I hope that you get onto the drug trial & that it works for you.

    Not having mets myself - I reckon I'd just be doing what I love doing, to keep my mind off it.   I hope you have a supportive family & friends xx

    Big hugs coming your way   xxx 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    No suggestions but a virtual hug.  
  • RachelleRachelle
    RachelleRachelle Member Posts: 31
    Hi @beatit, have you thought about joining the private group Living with Metastatic Breast Cancer on this network? https://onlinenetwork.bcna.org.au/group/2-living-with-metastatic-breast-cancer
    I am sure the people in this group can provide some advice. I am a member and have been living with MBC since 2016 (it was my first diagnosis of BC).
  • beatit
    beatit Member Posts: 4
     thanks everyone for your encouragement, love and hugs.
    thanks @RachelleRachelle, I have requested to join the MBC group.