Member Posts: 83 ✭
Hello lovely ladies,
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend..
Well, I have had a very busy month, but there are some events that have stood out ..
firstly it was Beilahs 4th bday this month, we only had a small afternoon tea but, she was excited by her Mermaid cake (not one of my best work, but she was over the moon, and that's what matters), next we have both Thalia and Beilah dancing at the two Chilean festivals held in Sydney. The 18th was HUGE with about 7000 people in attendance, a very memorable and emotional day, firstly that I AM HERE TO EXPERIENCE this event, but also that they are learning these dances, never been to Chile yet, and more, I don't know how to dance them ( they will teach me)!
Next, I attendedChallne Number 2 for Celebrity Apprentice, in support of BCNA and Shane Crawford the challenge at KFC Northmead, where Shane C was team captain and if they win the challenge, all proceeds go to BCNA as his chosen Charity. I went with my girls and we had so much fun, meeting and speaking to Shane was amazing especially after hearing him speak at the Summit. All the celebs were fantastic, friendly and more than happy to pose for a pic. I was asked to speak on cam that day, and that led to another fantastic opportunity this afternoon where I went to FOX studios and did a further interview for Celebrity Apprentice where I shared my story and spoke about BCNA and the wonderful support and the information that is available. I was very excited to do this, but the nerves definitely kicked in, and I was nervous, I only hope I am able to catch people's attention and the importance of BCNA & the difference it has made to my journey.
Friday 23 rd I took part in the Macquarie Ryde Relay for life, which I only decided to do two weeks prior, my sisters, 4 friends (2 fellow survivor) niece, nephew and daughters helped form the team and we had a wonderful time, achieving the target goal. I didn't think we would.. I was fortunate to speak to Peta Jane Maddam,a reporter for SBS who was the MC for this wonderful event and met her in person on Friday night. It was definitely a memorable nd windy event and i hope to participate next year also, but with more time and planning..
I also became a member of Dragons Abreast and I am LOVING IT. . It is something that I decided to do 2 days before my surgery when someone mentioned it was good for the recovery. That had been my goal and I have achieved that! I'm very proud of myself and grateful for meeting so many fellow Paddlers at the Summit who helped convince me that I could do it now and not wait the year!
I am excited for what tomorrow brings!
I knew that Breast Cancer would change not only my life but my girls, but NEVER in a million years did I imagine it would change it in such a wonderful, positive and inspirational way thanks to all the wonderful and beautiful ladies I have met along the way!
I thank each and every person who has helped me with words of encouragement, advice when I have needed it the most.
Please be on the watch for Celebrity Apprentice, Shane Crawford has chosen BCNA so lets support his Challenges so he can win the comp!
Thank you and keep Smiling
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend..
Well, I have had a very busy month, but there are some events that have stood out ..
firstly it was Beilahs 4th bday this month, we only had a small afternoon tea but, she was excited by her Mermaid cake (not one of my best work, but she was over the moon, and that's what matters), next we have both Thalia and Beilah dancing at the two Chilean festivals held in Sydney. The 18th was HUGE with about 7000 people in attendance, a very memorable and emotional day, firstly that I AM HERE TO EXPERIENCE this event, but also that they are learning these dances, never been to Chile yet, and more, I don't know how to dance them ( they will teach me)!
Next, I attendedChallne Number 2 for Celebrity Apprentice, in support of BCNA and Shane Crawford the challenge at KFC Northmead, where Shane C was team captain and if they win the challenge, all proceeds go to BCNA as his chosen Charity. I went with my girls and we had so much fun, meeting and speaking to Shane was amazing especially after hearing him speak at the Summit. All the celebs were fantastic, friendly and more than happy to pose for a pic. I was asked to speak on cam that day, and that led to another fantastic opportunity this afternoon where I went to FOX studios and did a further interview for Celebrity Apprentice where I shared my story and spoke about BCNA and the wonderful support and the information that is available. I was very excited to do this, but the nerves definitely kicked in, and I was nervous, I only hope I am able to catch people's attention and the importance of BCNA & the difference it has made to my journey.
Friday 23 rd I took part in the Macquarie Ryde Relay for life, which I only decided to do two weeks prior, my sisters, 4 friends (2 fellow survivor) niece, nephew and daughters helped form the team and we had a wonderful time, achieving the target goal. I didn't think we would.. I was fortunate to speak to Peta Jane Maddam,a reporter for SBS who was the MC for this wonderful event and met her in person on Friday night. It was definitely a memorable nd windy event and i hope to participate next year also, but with more time and planning..
I also became a member of Dragons Abreast and I am LOVING IT. . It is something that I decided to do 2 days before my surgery when someone mentioned it was good for the recovery. That had been my goal and I have achieved that! I'm very proud of myself and grateful for meeting so many fellow Paddlers at the Summit who helped convince me that I could do it now and not wait the year!
I am excited for what tomorrow brings!
I knew that Breast Cancer would change not only my life but my girls, but NEVER in a million years did I imagine it would change it in such a wonderful, positive and inspirational way thanks to all the wonderful and beautiful ladies I have met along the way!
I thank each and every person who has helped me with words of encouragement, advice when I have needed it the most.
Please be on the watch for Celebrity Apprentice, Shane Crawford has chosen BCNA so lets support his Challenges so he can win the comp!
Thank you and keep Smiling
Wow, smiley, what a busy month! Good for you getting out there and doing so much. Feels good to achieve your goals, doesn't it?