
Kerry-Lee47 Member Posts: 32
edited May 2018 in Newly diagnosed
Hello everyone,
I was diagnosed with invasive micropapillary breast cancer 2 weeks ago. I only had an 8 mm tumour but unfortunately 1.5mm micrometastisis was found in my sentinal node.
I had a bilateral mastectomy and the offending node removed.
In the UK 1.5 mm micrometastisis is regarded as a nil read and no further treatment necessary.
I have been told here because it’s a rare cancer (micropapillary) I must have chemo and radiotherapy.
I am in a dilemma as I feel as if I am being rail roaded in the medical machine. I know the doctors are good people. But I just think the treatment is so harsh.
I am scared of the long term side effects of chemo and radiation as I am a natural health rep and in my industry have had many negative opinions of this and the big Pharma machine.
That said I want to live and don’t trust naturopaths either as unsure if there is enough evidence to put my life in their hands.
My head is about to explode!
I’ve always led a healthy lifestyle and feel a loser if I talk the talk and don’t walk the walk.
Has anyone out there had micropapillary and cured it naturally? 
Im dreading Chemo side effects 



  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Hi @Kerry-Lee47,

    Welcome to the forum. You will find a wealth of information, support and warmth here.  Exploding head is par for the course as well I'm afraid. 

     I think everyone goes through a similar thought process at the beginning when the word chemo is mentioned.  It scares the living heck out of all of us.  Yes, at times, it does feel a bit like you have to do things and feel totally out of control of the situation but really at the end of the day it is your choice.  Nobody can hold you down and make you do things.

    The whole thing is confusing on what to do for the best.  Long term side effects may or may not occur. The same as it is with side effects throughout treatment. You may get some, none or all.  No body really knows. 

    You should not feel like a loser by any stretch and I am sure some of the people in that industry could possibly change their opinion if it was actually them that had been diagnosed. The beliefs we have held strong and steadfast can be very confusing when diagnosed and nobody who hasn't been in that position should really make any judgments.

    Every time I thought, nope, I'm not doing this,  I would get out my pathology report, read it again and then march of to treatment to pulverize the thing into oblivion.

      I am sure your team has recommended the best course of treatment for the best possible outcome for your type of cancer. 

    We are all held to ransom a little I suppose.  What if I don't do this and it comes back, can I live with my decision? That's the million dollar question that only you can answer.

    Hugs xoxoxo

  • Kerry-Lee47
    Kerry-Lee47 Member Posts: 32
    Hi kezmusc,
    Thankyou for your lovely welcoming message.
    I have felt very isolated the past couple of weeks and struggling to come to terms with the prospect of Chemo and the side effects.
    Thankyou for sharing your experience, your positive attitude is really inspiring and your message has really helped me come to terms with it.
    I need to tackle this head on and not look back. 
    This forum is great as I no longer feel alone.
    I hope you are doing well
    Lots of love 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I knew from the beginning I had an aggresive cancer. Mine was a her2 and even without a positive node chemo was recommended and targeted therapy. But even though I knew this...I was still in a mess once I was told that it was recommended. I didn't hesitate to go along with the treatment plan...but it didn't mean I liked it. I was a sobbing mess the day I started chemo...big ugly sobbing in the shower that morning. But then I put on my big girls panties on...slapped on a smile and off I went. 

    Australia has some of the best worldwide statistics for breast cancer survival. Trust your team. They really wouldn't recomment chemo unless they thought you needed to have it. You get one go at cure. So I say jump in feet first.

    Use your knowledge of natural therapy to assist in recovery once chemo complete. It will very likely help. (Never use during...we don't want any of those mutant cells surviving )

    Take care. Kath x
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hi Kerry-Lee. I'm sorry that you've found yourself here but I can see that you're already discovering how warm, supportive and helpful it is.

    I had an element of choice about chemotherapy. While my stats on the page said I could have gone straight to radiation from the lumpectomy, my family history of this disease, some other diagnostic issues and my responsibilities warranted serious consideration for this course of treatment. I followed this path and did an oncotype test (very expensive and generously paid for by my dad), which very clearly established that if some tiny cells were off looking for somewhere else to roost in my body, chemo would have a curative effect.

    I had a full on panic attack in bed two nights before chemo started. I bawled for an hour during the first infusion. But the big girl undies were yanked right up to my chin and I made it through.

    It wasn't easy or pleasant, but it wasn't the end of the world either. My medical team advised it but ultimately the decision was mine. It's seven weeks since my final dose so it's early days, but I have absolutely no regrets. I know I did the right thing for me, my family and all those that love me.

    Everything gets easier when your treatment, whatever it may be, gets underway. Hang in there. K xox
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2018
    Hi @Kerry-Lee47, I had pure micropapillary breast cancer, stage 2a, grade 3 nearly 4 years ago. I believe that surgery, radiotherapy and chemo helped me to survive cancer free and be living a great life. There are side effects, but being alive is a big bonus for me. Natural therapies have been useful, but in addition to the other treatment. 

    Survival rates for micropapillary cancer are the same as for some other types of breast cancer, but treatment is essential as it is usually aggressive and can travel into the bloodstream due to the structure of the cancer, even microscopic amounts.

    The doctors can only give you advice, it’s up to you to take it or not. All the best with your treatment. If you google it, make sure you look at recent studies as the stats have improved a lot. It’s important to ask questions. Trust your doctors, be informed and use your knowlege to make the best decisions for you. x
  • Kerry-Lee47
    Kerry-Lee47 Member Posts: 32
    Thankyou Ladies, 
    I appreciate you sharing your experiences and have taken your advice on board.
    The natural path is a gamble I hear what you are all saying. My 12 year old daughter last night said she didn’t want me to gamble as it’s too important and she just wants me to be here. ‘You can’t leave me with dad!’ She said. Bless her. I have to man up face the side effects like you all have and just have faith in the doctors. I’ll compromise by having my Goji berries on the side though!!!!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I can already see those big girl undies heading north! You are tougher than you think, and we're all here for you. K xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @Kerry-Lee47 I don't have any experience of micropapillary cancer but I'm in the middle of chemo for lobular cancer which had just escaped to the nodes.  Chemo is a very blunt instrument and it's crap but it's what we've got at the moment.  I'm taking my best chance at long-term survival.  While an unhealthy lifestyle certainly appears to contribute to the likelihood of getting breast cancer, being healthy certainly doesn't seem to prevent it as a number of women on this site could testify.
    I keep putting this out there as 
  • Kerry-Lee47
    Kerry-Lee47 Member Posts: 32
    Awh that’s lovely Thankyou x
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @Kerry-Lee47 Please ignore the almost duplicate post - I should never use my phone on this site as it often does weird things.
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Hi there @Kerry-Lee47 .I'm the Ally Jay mentioned above. I have  been treated  for triple positive, grade 3, stage three, multifocal with node involvement, sooo basically a bee's dick away from stage four. I decided to take this shitfest on with both barrels and have no regrets. Bilateral chop, full lymph clearance on the left, sentinal node on the right and  the full chemo drill. Rads were off the table due to another pre existing condition (scleroderma). During the chemo "experience" or "journey"...god I hate those terms used..I looked at it like this. I imagined the military tackling terrorists and using cluster bombs to  annihilate them. Sure there were civilian casualties, the sods were hiding in civilian houses in  civilian villages of course. Very bad and very sad, but if they got away, they would carry on with  their murderous agenda. So, if the bombs took out the innocent, at least they got the bastards as well. I said to myself that if the good cells were taking a beating, then surely the baddies were too. Take no prisoners. After all, it's not the cancer in your breasts that would kill you, it was just one faulty bastard that went walkabout and set up shop elsewhere that would be the problem.  Listen to your team, educate yourself appropriately and then follow your intellectual heart. You may get little or no side effects, or you may get many, it's an unknown, much like pregnancy and childbirth, but you can do it. Your sisters (and a few brothers) in arms on this site will be here, day and night, to walk with you...you are not alone. Sending the biggest (((hug))).
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    Hi @Kerry-Lee47 I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in January and had a right sided mastectomy with auxiliary lymph node removal. They got it all and nodes and CT scan came back clear. My oncologist said I would have to go on hormone blocking therapy but it was up to me if I wanted to have chemo or not. She said the only reason she would recommend it was because of my relatively young age and the possibility of recurrence. Like the other ladies here I pulled on my big girl panties and on Monday am about to do my 3rd dose of 4 rounds of chemo. It hasn’t been fun but it hasn’t been as bad as I expected. I just didn’t want the cancer popping back up somewhere else in 10 years and wishing I had chemo. Now at least, if it does come back I know I have done everything i could of. Big hugs xoxoxox
  • Kerry-Lee47
    Kerry-Lee47 Member Posts: 32
    Thankyou AllyJay and Kiwi Angel for sharing your stories and your words of encouragement. You really are warrior women and I have been inspired by all of you on here. 
    I’m going to town today to by some big girl pants! Or as we say in the UK ‘Apple Catchers’ 
    Much love to you all ❤️
  • Eastmum
    Eastmum Member Posts: 495
    @AllyJay I absolutely LOVE your analogies! Good luck with everything @Kerry-Lee47 - I’m 4 weeks post double mastectomy today and have my first medical oncologist appointment on Tuesday next week where I am 100% sure I will be recommended chemo. I’ve found the mastectomy relatively easy to recover from but the thought of chemo terrifies me! Still, the thought of NOT trying everything to make long-term survival a viable option, terrifies me more. 
    My daughter, who has been vegan for about 4 years, recently took the advice of doctors and nutritionists to re-introduce meat and fish to sort out some health issues. It was SO hard for her - and one of the reasons was that she was worried that people would judge her and call her a fraud. As much as I encouraged her to ignore the critics and that true friends will always support her, it was very difficult for her to take the first step because she’s been walking the talk for so long. Thankfully she chose health and she’s feeling great and didn’t experience any of the negative things she was worried about. 
    I’m absolutely not suggesting that re-introducing animal protein equates with chemo! Just that it’s taking that first step in an opposite direction that’s often the hardest part. Wishing you all the best and please keep us updated xxx :smile: