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Well, I finally went to my first exercise class at the Rehab Oncology programme yesterday. I've been really anxious since early last week when I went for the consult and the physio there said my resting heart rate was so high (112 and up). However, even though my head has been pounding for the last week and I've been out of breath with the slightest thing, my heart rate was excellent right through the exercise component of the class. Most of it I managed very easily (so will probably need to up the ante) but there was one piece of equipment - a chest high thing that I had to turn handles around - that nearly did me in. I had it at lowest resistance and I thought 3 minutes would never end. It really demonstrated just how much upper body strength I have lost since December when this began. I've got 15 more sessions to try to get things back on track.
I'm off to the physio this morning for cording treatment and, strangely enough, looking forward to the torture.
I'm off to the physio this morning for cording treatment and, strangely enough, looking forward to the torture.
I’m also interested in that kind of program & also based in Adelaide. At my final chemo appointment last week I raised the issue of exercise rehab as chemo has left me very out of shape and breathless when doing even small amounts of exercise .... was told there was no such program. I still have surgery to go but want to start looking ahead and regaining some strength.
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Sorry, @Romla My screen must have jumped and I didn't see your post. As I mentioned to @clouise, it is through Calvary Rehabilitation Hospital at Walkerville - it's an outpatient service and I have no idea how much it costs as it's covered by private hospital cover. It's an 8 week (2 session per week) exercise program supervised by physios and followed by a 15 minute meditation. There are also psychologists available and a dietitian (who I have not seen yet). I've just checked my info and it's called the Reconditioning Oncology Programme. Contact phone number is: 8269 1450 (they aren't the easiest to get hold of though). I was referred by my oncologist at Kimberley House but I'm not sure if that's the only way to access it as I still had to see a "Rehabilitation" doctor before being accepted into it. From memory, all she did was ask me a couple of questions and send me off for a blood test - a bit of a lurk, if you ask me.0
@Sister This is all I could find online about Encore Adelaide - there was one last term it seems .Just rang the Y but person in change not in yet will try again later.
Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre – 207 Hamsptead Road, Northfield
2018 Term 1
Tuesdays 7:00pm-9:00pm
30 January – 20 March
Please note that we are currently seeking a new venue for our southern Encore program and will confirm dates for 2018 programs as soon as this has been finalised. If you are interested in attending a program in the southern region please contact us to register your interest so that we can keep you up to date with the venue location and dates.
To find out more about YWCA Encore contact Jemma Taylor on 82039400 or email
This is from the SA YWCA website , the national one is not up to date says term 1 2018 yet gives dates in October- November0 -
I think there is one this term - I can't do it due to the time it's on.0
Just reporting back as I saw the onc yesterday. All good on the heart front according to the ECG so he's not concerned the high heart rate anomaly last week - just another chemo thing. He's really pleased that I've started the exercise program as he says it's a good way to build up with supervision. The physios in charge make you rest a few minutes at the slightest sign that the heart rate is too high.
@clouise and @romla I overheard a lady there saying that her health fund was only paying for 4 weeks and she was going to pay for the other 4 weeks herself so it is possible. I did try to find her later to ask more but wasn't sure which one she was - we all look the same in our caps and "activewear"!0 -
Great news on your ECG @Sister sounds like a great program. Thanks for the info, I’ll definitely look into it once surgery is done and dusted. My rapid heart rate and breathlessness is a concern to me as I was reasonably active before chemo and now struggle to do anything strenuous. It has been brushed off as side effects from treatment with no suggestion on how to help my recovery apart from time - very frustrating.0
@Sister just spoke to Jemma at YWCA Adelaide. No Encore term 2 as only 4 applicants of which 2 were definite. Next Encore program in Term 4. Also Y is in negotiations with FMC over access to their new hydrotherapy pool for a program for southern Adelaide bc people later this year.They are also in negotiations for an Encore program at Mt Gambier later this year. Was told they do not run Encore in term 3 as is depths of winter and not much interest.
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@Clouise I had exactly the same issues with racing heart & breathlessness at the slightest effort, especially after my last round of chemo. I found it alarming to say the least. I'd gone from vigorously walking 6 - 8kms in a very hilly area to having to sit down repeatedly on a short and slow stroll, in a matter of three months. They have mostly resolved (and yes, just with time) but I found the easy dismissal by the medicos upsetting. We're taught to be alert and alarmed at heart attack symptoms. I definitely required more knowledge and reassurance on this front.0