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Travel insurance

Claire Louise
Claire Louise Member Posts: 12
edited February 2018 in Metastatic breast cancer
Hi to all reading this.....

I have stage 4 and want to do as much traveling as possible while im well and stable. Can anyone give me advice re insurance while traveling overseas. (New Zealand, Hong Kong and parts of Europe are on my list) Reciprocal and non-reciprocal countries please. I feel like not being able to get insurance is like being discriminated against. 
Thanks in advance...


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Hi @ClaireLouise

    There are a few threads on the site on travel insurance. Scroll to p. 14. Perhaps @KeelyB can provide more info? 

    It depends a lot on active treatment and/or hospitalisation, I hope someone can assist, it's certainly unfair not to be able to get cover when you are well and stable. Best wishes. 
  • Claire Louise
    Claire Louise Member Posts: 12
    Thank you. I will have a look....
  • KeelyB
    KeelyB Member Posts: 15
    Hi Claire,
    In the 6+yrs since my MBC diagnosis, we've taken three overseas holidays of 3-4weeks duration.  The first to the UK, Belgium and France (the first two countries have reciprocal health care agreements) while I was still on weekly Taxol & Herceptin, but stable.  The second was to the US (we had a family wedding which I stubbornly refused to miss and we took our daughters, aged 6 & 4 at the time) - I didn't have health insurance for MBC, but I was only on 3 weekly Herceptin at the time and I had no evidence of active disease in my liver, brain & lung and my bones were stable.  Last year we went to Denmark, Sweden, Norway & Iceland - I was also on 3 wkly Herceptin and stable after radiation to a new growth 6 months earlier.  Sweden & Norway have reciprocal health agreements too.  

    So far I have been very lucky not to have any health issues while I was away (I'm usually hospitalised once a year for cellulitis due to lymphoedema in my arm & breast).  I've never actually investigated health insurance as I'd heard it wasn't available when under treatment, which is always given we're Stage IV!  I'm sorry, I've not investigated that properly though, so please don't take my word for it!

    I honestly had a fabulous time on each of these holidays, despite the financial & health risks and I wouldn't change it - but acknowledge that's easy to say when nothing went wrong.  I wish you all the best with your holiday planning!!

  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Many thanks @KeelyB

    We seem to have traveled to many of the same places in the last few years! Also have never had to call on my insurance but I am much further out from active treatment. 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    Hi Claire Louise,
    Im heading to Norfolk Island in May, and have had the same dilemma with travel insurance. I'm diagnosed with mets to bones, and am also trying to experience lots of travel, and ticking off that bucket list. I am covered for loss of luggage, changes in flight plans , however not for any medical or surgical hospitalisations related to any pre-existing medical conditions.
    Its something that should be highlighted to government, so that people should not e discriminated for their disability. 
     Best of luck with your investigations, and don't let it hold you back from your travel.
    Cuddles, Trace
  • Claire Louise
    Claire Louise Member Posts: 12
    Thank you ladies for your valuable information. It is very helpful and appreciated. I forgot about norfolk island Tracey_B!! Will add that to my list!
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    It's an awesome place, and the history is so interesting. Glad that you're adding it to the list.
    Cuddles, Trace