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Hi, I was wondering if anyone has taken or is taking  Alaparib?  I have lung mets which have grown (again) & have been on Letrozol for about 12mths.  Yesterday my oncologist started me on Alaparib & I was wondering how others were coping with it.  Reading the info sheet & listening to oncologist, it sounds pretty much like oral chemo with very similar side effects.  I might get to keep my hair this time   :#.  Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Cheers


  • bronmeg1
    bronmeg1 Member Posts: 23
    Oops, that is supposed to read Olaparib.  Trying to do stuff without glasses  ;)
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    tagged you in another post about it that was july 2017

  • scientist
    scientist Member Posts: 19
    Yes I'm on it. It's better than chemo there - you will get to keep your hair! But it's a bit of a pain as you take 8 tablets in the morning and 8 at night, ideally on an empty stomach so you have to plan your meals around it. I have lost my appetite too, and sometimes have some mild nausea, but apart from that it is pretty good. My energy levels are pretty good. All the best with it!
  • bronmeg1
    bronmeg1 Member Posts: 23
    I wish I was as lucky as you, though so far have kept my hair.  I am on day 5 & the last couple of days have been less than desirable, with muscle weakness, vomiting & nausea, limited energy & fatigue, no appetite & change in taste buds.  Even developed a side effect not on the list - vaginal spotting, which stopped while taking Tamoxifen 9yrs ago.  I pretty much sailed through chemo & radiotherapy, so suppose had to catch up at sometime.  I am hoping that as I get used to it, the symptoms will reduce.Thank you for giving me hope that things may improve