
Member Posts: 5,807 ✭
I saw this on the internet today and had to smile as I can relate so much to it. I cracked it big time today (fatigue has hit again) and sent an email to those involved who have been pussy footing around me ever since! Fatigue hits us all at varying stages, it is the diagnosis, it is the treatment, it is the side effects, it is the pressure cooker that we find ourselves in(that's me) and everything else in between. Hope it makes you smile and you can decide where you are at on the scale!
Take care xx

Take care xx

Hi @iserbrown
What a ripper ! Thanks for that. Wish my printer was working as I would love to put it on my wall !
Just waiting for hubby to come home from hospital after major surgery Wednesday night for a badly fractured leg (has been pinned and bolted and plastered).
How the hell am I going to cope with him as I am on crutches.
Yes, we do have private hospital cover but the hospital was not taking customers so he was taken to the public.
Has not seen the surgeon and is being discharged with still-wet plaster so heavy he cannot even lift his leg.
If this is how the system works I AM WONDERING WHY ANYONE WOULD BOTHER PAYING FOR PRIVATE COVER which we have struggled to pay it since 1974.
We pay ambulance and that is not a problem as they have been great and if we don't use it we reckon it is a good charitable donation if it is not used.
Yep, I am grumpy and venting (sorry) but thanks for the giggle.
Summer :-)0 -
Crumbs! You really have got your hands full - I smiled when I read he is plastered as that is, as we know, a saying for having too much to drink! Poor fella! Hope he heals quickly and goodness why would they send him home with wet plaster? We can't fathom can we!
Take care xx0 -
Hi @iserbrown
Yep, my mind is reeling ! Must be the amount of plaster they used.
I am sure he would like to get really plastered but due to his dementia he is not allowed alcohol.
You would not believe it if I told you I had to go in to the hospital at 9pm last night to administer necessary medications !!!!
There has to be a better life somewhere else !
Summer :-)0 -
What the! In the past we had to go and feed my father in law when he was in hospital, but not administer meds! Goodness the place has gone to rack and ruin when you can't ensure care whilst they are in the system! Dementia, what a so and so, that would throw up lots of challenges in the everyday! My thoughts are with you and I hope that he settles back into the home environment quickly! Take care x0
I have always, always been this on the go, hurry, hurry, race against the clock...not winning, but trying, Ive got one million things on my "to do list" today..... that was before BC. Well last week I was finally in a somewhat "normal" state of mind (sieze the opportunity, it doesnt happen very often these days) so I decided to go shopping. Shopping for me. Window shopping...something I have never had the time to do in my past "normal" life.
It was a big mistake. I DRAGGED myself around the huge complex. I have never felt so tired. I lost interest. For once I had the time, but not the energy. I spotted chairs in the shopping centre and honestly...if I sat down I would have gone for a very long snooze, probably to be woken by security!! I got back to my car and cried... finally I had time to window shop for once in my life....but I was SO TIRED...too tired to enjoy it. It was exhaustion I can only compare to when I was pregnant many years ago..but multiplied by at least 10.... So I must have been a 10 on your scale...do I get a gold star or something???2 -
Blood oath! Gold stars all round. I was the same yesterday time for me to go shopping but no energy. Had to get home to my haven.
I do wonder how long it will be before there's a glimpse of the re-energised me of old! I don't remember being told about this aftermath. It just keeps giving!
Take care xx1 -
Maybe its because they are making the shopping centers bigger these days. I also find it exhausting walking around and I'm always looking for that elusive seat to appear so I can sit down and have a rest. I use to love retail therapy but now avoid it unless Im feeling energetic, which is a rare occasion these days. I head for a coffee shop and after that I am ready to go home.3
Amen to that ladies - have no energy for the "big" shop so do small ones and am loath to leave my suburb to do it as not keen on the drive.I might need to investigate online shopping a bit more closely too.Can say exercise helps - in my case an early walk.Trying to write things in a small notebook to help with memory. Am amazed by those back working despite fatigue issues but gather the key is to gradually build up . Have heard here that it does get better but not to former activity levels so guess our priorities need to be revised.1
Early days we found online supermarket shopping a godsend!0
Hi - agree with @iserbrown
Recently the local Woolies has had heaps of ladies filling orders. I was told they choose the best produce etc.
Advised me the first delivery is free but to then to join up for the 12 month fee as it works out to less than $2 delivery per week. Bloody hell, hey do I go out to struggle ? Coles is probably the same.
Summer :-)0 -
When we were using Coles online they used to have a certain day of the week that was free delivery if you put your order in by a certain time. They all offer something but it is the convenience that is wonderful rather than relying on friends or family as early days you can't lift much and it gives a feeling of being in control!0
Over doing it for me is really bad. It all aches and then to top it off you can't sleep because you are over tired. I don't push things much any more.0