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Tumor markers

dawn01 Member Posts: 13
Went to oncologist  today they said my tumor markers were up after first cycle of paca taxol but my liver function was a little better don't  know which way to take the new if its good or bad I have another blood test tomorrow for next chemo on friday


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    The tumour markers are a bloody mystery to me. About 5 years after my first BC I simply gave up getting tested. Even when I ended up with a whopping great recurrence they didn't show anything sinister. My current oncologist won't do it "No, no, they make everyone crazy, prove nothing' I concur.

    Right through chemo he hasn't asked for that test--i know because I demand copies of all results. When I had my ovaries out the gyno wrote them up...Out of curiosity? Who knows, the results were low but none of that was helpful.  I won't ask for that test until it comes back again and I have to think about what I do with mets.

    This stuff can send you nuts, though it is very hard to ignore. 
  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    My tumour markers went up when I had the flu.  They went up after a long  international flight.  They seem to react to how my immune system is doing!  My medical team has said they are unreliable, but I still have them before check-up every year.  They also went up during chemo.  Have given up taking them as a guide.
  • wendy55
    wendy55 Member Posts: 774
    just thought i would weigh in on the tumour marker debate, its a test that my oncologist has used since my diagnosis 4 years ago of metastatic breast cancer in my liver and bones, along with all the other tests for me it is used along with other tests, liver etc to keep an eye on how i am doing i have a blood test every 19 days{whilst i have been on xeloda},its just how he likes to do things however i know that many oncologists dont operate like this its purely a matter of choice for the oncologist, fortunately for me my markers are low which is showing that the drug i am on is working, i feel quite secure knowing that i am being well looked after and of course seeing my oncologist every 6 weeks means he gets to have a good look at me to see how i am i might add i am in the public system and have to travel 3ooks round trip to see him, i know of other oncologists who do video conferencing but my partner and i are happy to do the trip we like to be able to sit down and talk over any problems face to face - its all a matter of each oncologist and how they choose to treat you, I used to get uptight about my marker levels but dont any more what will be will be -
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    I can see from this post that it varies for all.  I had full bloods done recently and yesterday was told that my count is in the normal range so I was  happy to hear that
  • dawn01
    dawn01 Member Posts: 13
    Thanks every one back for chemo tomorrow ,  so hopefully the chemo is working and getting the cancer in my liver undercontrol.

  • scientist
    scientist Member Posts: 19
    Yes I wouldn't worry too much at this stage, especially after just your first cycle. The test is quite sensitive I believe, and if they did it twice in one day you would get two different results. I think you ideally want to see a trend of the tumor markers decrease over time, measuring it perhaps once a month. Having said that, for some people the tumor markers are not a good indicator at all. They may be low but the cancer has returned. So depending on the person, a magical combination of tumor markers, scans, feeling of wellness, presence of any symptoms and other things like liver function tests is what we have to go on... so don't focus too much on that number.
  • wendy_h67
    wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
    I was told by my oncologist that tumour markers are not an accurate test for everyone.  I have mine tested every few months and it usually shoots up when my present treatment is not working or when they have found new mets in the bones. I have been on IV Abraxane now since December and my markers where 109 and now they are 56 and my bone scans are stable. My oncologist is happy with that and she said they seem to be a  good indication when there is a problem or not.,but she relies on the scans first . 
  • Anne94
    Anne94 Member Posts: 171
    For the first time in the last 12 months my oncologist put in a blood test to check my tumour markers.  I guess it will show the overall picture of how I'm doing. As I've had a ct & bonescan for this next appointment. 
  • Hankster
    Hankster Member Posts: 86
    My oncologist told me that the Tumor marker number  it's self doesn't really mean anything .   I can be late for some people and hi5 others .  She said she looks at it for variation only . so if my numbers are continually calling Apple contingent going down that's when she'll take a second look at some of the things.  In essence what she told me it was not to worry about one small change ,  at a point in time .   It needs to be taken in context over a period of time .  Hope this helps ❤️
  • wendy_h67
    wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
    Tumor markers dont work for everyone.  My oncologist will check my tumor markers but will rely on the scans . Recently my tumor markers went up again and after the oncologist checked my recent bone scans found there were a couple of hot spots as she called them and one new area in my ribs. Most times when my markers have changed quite a bit,  it usually indicates something is going on.