pain from exercising (methinks)

Member Posts: 5 ✭
Hello Brave Ladies. This is my first post! I have exercised pretty much throughout my diagnosis and now 15 months since last radiation treatment I have soreness around my rib bones and back. My breast also experiences stabs ( for want of a better expression). I had a lumpectomy in Aug 2015, 4x chemo, 1 month radio and go to bed each night with Arrimidex. I have a p/t and do a boxing class every week, and run also! I have big boobies-12E. I am wondering whether I should be more worried or have others been in this position also? Many thanks for listening to me because I am wracking myself (again) on this wonderful journey with guilt!
Is the pain new or has it always been there? Does it ever go away?
There could be several causes for your pain - the exercise, the arimidex, something from your treatment or even the one we all dread - spread of your cancer.
The only way to find out is to check with your doctor. Good luck xx0 -
I guess you would be used to the normal aches and pains from exercise and this must feel different or you wouldn't be posting. It is possible scar tissue has formed that is causing pulling / pain issues but really you need to get it checked out so you know what it is. You know it...we get it. It's friggin scary and dealing with our head games is exhausting. But the sooner you see a Dr the sooner you know and can get back to enjoying life again. Kath x1
Oh...also I did think about your bone density...are you having regular checks since starting arimidex? Possible you have some hairline fractures if it is low. Still needs checking of course. Kath x1
Hi @Miss Chrissy, I started having a pain in my right breast, mastectomy on left, after second chemo last November. My oncologist thought it was due to exercise. My surgeon performed 2 ultrasounds over 4 months but couldn't find anything. For the last 10 days the pain was more intense & there seemed to be a sore spot on the rib under my breast. My mammogram & ultrasound were coming up on Friday so was quite anxious. They were fine & after another examination by my surgeon I had a chest x ray which fortunately was fine too. She now thinks it might be from the Femara which I have been on for 10 weeks, started 2 weeks after chemo & before radio. Hopefully it will settle. Occasionally I have aches where I had mastectomy but there is nothing to compare it to. If nothing takes the pain away you should get it checked just for peace of mind.0
Thanks all for your advice. It has been 15 months since radio ended and my breast is still hot, looks in part like and orange and let's me know I am alive with tweaks n stabs. Saw radio oncologist 3 weeks ago n said I was going well. I have been nursing a chest infection which is now going n now this- sometimes it feels so never ending! A few of my ribs near my scar are also sore. I lift weights n my boxing session is pretty intense.0
Hi miss chrissy ...maybe try less rigorous exercise for 1.. 2 weeks to see if chest back aches primek said bone density check ..
I am on femara and a side effect for me i find if doing too much leg muscle work more aches occur in my legs
Important to have blood test for calcium and vitamIn d levels checked
ct scan could be a possibilitydown the track if pain persists
Exercise most important when on AI therapy so dont stop completely.0 -
Hi @MissChrissy is it possible your soreness is a consequence of coughing with the chest infection? I finished radiotherapy 16 months ago. I too get some nice jabs in my breast, and it's still much warmer than the other one
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My sis in law had bc 20yrs ago with mastectomy and radiation. She recently got a bad cough and sore ribs. Dr put her on antibiotics but the pain wasn't getting any better so he ordered an xray. Results were, she had cracked 3 ribs while coughing at night in bed. Not really any treatment required apart from some bone supplements and after many scans there was no metastases cancer just a weakness in the ribs from 20yrs ago radiation.0
Hi Ladies. After some advice from the breast and radio nurses booked myself into osteo today. Lots of sore joints and muscles and some work to do before 100 pic again. Lots tied into scar tissue and breast still healing. No bone issues. I have mammo soon n dr said she wasn't concerned enuf to see me. I have had a yr where I had a new tooth inserted with a side of constipation so severe I was almost hospitalised, 2 months chest infection and now soreness. Ladies this disease sux! Thanks for all your wisdom!!!1
Hi MissChrissy, hope I can explain myself.....I also had pain I thought from exercise. I had a lumpectomy in Sep 2015. Aug 2016 was when all this discomfort started. I'll try and make this short, I had tests and change my exercise program and started yoga. Finally my oncologist said she wanted me to see a phycologist (wow.....I never needed one before and I thought she thinks I'm imagining all this) however the reason was to help me understand 'mindfulness' and it has helped amazingly. I have always meditated but this is sort of different. If you are interested I can give you the name of a book she suggested.
I was very surprised my oncologist thought of sending me because although I'm very happy with her she doesn't usually show a 'caring' approach. But I'm blessed with a brilliant family that do all the caring in the world.
Hope this helps a little.
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Hi Anne Marie. Thanks for your suggestion. I have been thinking of alternative aides as Arrimidex can't fight ur inner demons. I really can't understand why I have reacted this way. I am sure my name conjures up0
Sorry pt 2 rolled eyes among the nurses at Epworth! Pls send me the details. Am c ing psycho in 2weeks. Was told to get antidepressants??? Is ur yoga teacher in Melbourne. Friend swears by acupuncturist in Macleod. Have 2nd appt with Osteo on Friday. My radio onco said that mental issues are the biggest issues among breast cancer survivors and the drs really don't know what to do about it. Certainly I have lost a week of my life sick with worry. I get angry with myself when I should be a bit logical. I know however I can't live like this anymore.0
Hi MissChrissy, I'm doing the yoga classes in Wollongong NSW. Am sure that Melbourne would run them also. I think it's great you are seeing a psycho, for me it has been great. She explained going thru BC is like Post traumatic stress but she called it post emotional stress. The book she suggested is called "Full Catastrophe living" by Jin Kabat-Zinn. Acupuncture works for some, we are all so different. Don't be hard on yourself and accept its a damn difficult time. Even when you do manage to get your heard around it.....a bad day will pop up. But they will get less and less. Be gentle with yourself.
Anne-Marie0 -
@MissChrissy I've always had pain I don't think I know much different, but I have learnt to live with it I guess. I was changed to Aromasin from Arimidex but theyre just the same NO DIFFERENT. I will tell you something that made a MASSIVE difference is seeing a Naturopath, I also take Magnesium its the baseline of what everyone should take, helps with pain. You'd be amazed at how a Naturopath can help symptoms