Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivor

NaturalBel Member Posts: 542
edited February 2017 in General discussion
I had Triple Negative Breast Cancer diagnosed back in November 2012.  Now after all the treatment and appointments, specialists and monitoring, I am still here and so far so good.  I don't regularly came onto the BCNA Website now, however I was a prominent visitor for the year of 2013, for those who recognize my photo.  After all the successful ops, chemo and rads, we moved to Sydney and been here for 2 years.  I had taken a year off during my Cancer and it was necessary.  The return to work was difficult and I went back part time.  My brain was like mush originally and my work place tolerated me with kindness.  I returned as a Pharmacy Assistant, and stepped into a very busy work place here in Sydney, but still working only 4 days a week.  They have given me zero responsibility and menial tasks.  I was upfront the week before my 6 months probation finished, about having had Cancer.  

 I was called in for the Familial Genetic blood test, and discovered there was no connection.  They just put it down to "Environmental".  I have learnt that people who have not had Cancer don't understand what it is and have short concentration spans if you try to involve them.  The ongoing health situation, or physical ailments you may get are also something people have no idea of and little tolerance for.  I am healthy and learning to play Golf in a Clinic - and enjoying the challenge.  My right arm is not over the moon about it, (underarm and elbow, with slight discomfort), but I simply just go through each day now as though Cancer never happened.    Although it is always at the back of my mind.  It is the yearly monitoring and weekly checks that keep me real.
Survivor Belinda McKenna 


  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    edited February 2017
    Well done on your success. <3
    You are right many people don't have a clue what you go through but the worst ones are those who 'think' they know all about chemo because their aunty had breast cancer. Ummm no lol. I shared some of what I went through in chemo on my face book as many of my family just took a big step back like I was contagious or something. At least they got a little idea. One year on in the memories, I shared just one of my chemo dose days again. One comment from a male friend was, 'brutal'. I think he got the idea and hopefully if any of his close friends or family has to go through it, he will be very supportive to them.
    Thank goodness you touched on the brain to mush thing as I thought I must have had a stroke or some darned thing. I seem to have lost the capacity to learn anything since cancer treatment. All phone numbers I knew before then, I still have memory of if I think about it a bit but I cannot for the life of me remember a sequence of numbers now, no matter how many times I try. A bonus of this is I can watch a dvd movie or series and in a few months not remember it, so I get to watch it like a new one again lol.
  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,438
    Hi Bel I am like you Sept will be 5 yrs since diagnosis .... So glad to hear that you are going well and conquering the days. 
    I remember us chatting while on the roller coaster called treatment.... 
    I am moving on also with my life and now able to see a future..

    xoxox Alice aka Soldier Crab 

  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    Hi Bel,
    Great to hear you are doing well. My year of treatment was 2013 and your regular posts and comments really helped me through. It will be 4 years in May for me.
    Enjoy the golf!
    Deanne xxx
  • kayvie
    kayvie Member Posts: 157
    Hi Bel
    Great to read your post! Gives us hope that there is life after treatment albeit a but different to how you may have imagined your life to be. I am triple negative too so your post resonates with me.
    Good luck with mastering the golf!!!
  • RNSW
    RNSW Member Posts: 121
    Yay Belinda! Thats fantastic and always good to hear a positive story. Thank you for sharing. Cheers Rita xo 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Thankyou for sharing and hoorah on 4 years on. 
  • LITHGOW1950
    LITHGOW1950 Member Posts: 314
    Thanks for coming back and sharing your good health. I'm also a TN and finished active treatment July, 2016. I'm due to see the specialists next week so I'm feeling a bit anxious. Still very low on energy but I'm always so good of a morning and that's when I do my yoga and take a nice long walk. 
    Wishing you well and keeps smiling.
  • Marina1
    Marina1 Member Posts: 12
    WOW Belinda.
    Thats fantastic, I'm still a long way off. But I already have the mush head. My eye sight is getting worse! But hearing your story gives me hope!  
    Nobody really understands or want to understand... life goes on around you. Really hard some days to see others living their happy lives.
    Even the most caring people have their own issues. But that's life.... and soon I'll have a life too but I won't forget this nightmare and I won't turn away from anyone who is going through this. I understand them and would support them because I know exactly how they feel.

    Life can be hard but we et through it.... with support!!
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Congratulations Belinda. Its wonderful that your life is full and you are challenging yourself by learning golf. So nice to read a happy story. Thank you. Xx 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,782
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,320
  • KathSe
    KathSe Member Posts: 29
    Great news
    And gives me heart! Im triple neg diagnosed in July 2016 and have just finished treatment in Feb. Freaking  out about everything. Thanks ladiesxxxx
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,438
    @KathSeward I remember the just post treatment time, it feels weird you go from intensity of appointments, chemo, rads drs appointments...then bam nothing....... I want to encourage you to find something you enjoy art, walking, music, cooking whatever it is and slowly focus on enjoying it again. If you are struggling mentally see your GP and get a mental health plan... this gives you 10 visits to a clinical pyschologist, you can check with your bc nurse if you want if there is a specialist oncology psychologist in your area.....
    You will get thru this time.... Im 4.5 years since diagnosis....
    Soldier crab xxx
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    Hallo young lady weve missed you great to see your going well and not moved adean xxx