Newish diagnosis

Padley Member Posts: 7
Found lump mid January - horrified at size, how come I didn't feel this before ? Clear mammogram last April.  Biopsy etc. Confirmed triple negative, spread to lymph nodes, but bone scan and CT scan clear (phew). Small amount of research, already given that away. Referred to Peter Mac in Melbourne, so far brilliant. First round of chemo happened. ( 4 x 3 weekly, followed by 1 x weekly different chemo,). Then op, then radio. Should be through this by October ☺. Have decided that business class air travel back to UK nextbyear will be my treat ..... I'm 64.... and absolutely expecting that I will be still around in 5, 10 years time.

However and this where you will be shocked. My breast cancer is nothing. My eldest son (39) has been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease last December and this swamps any concern I might have for me and just makes me more determined to get on with the treatment etc. so that I can be of some help to him and his family especially my gorgeous grandson who is only 3 1/2. 

I am of English origin and have a lot of family and friends overseas. I have set up a web site with Caringbridge, with a blog so that I keep people abreast ( lousy pun intended ) of our health, life and treatment etc. Being a naturally positive type I am capable of looking at the funny side of things even among this lastest tradegy in our lives. ( husband and father of my boys died 12 years ago of an agressive brain tumour). 

I do wonder where we as a family went wrong, but the real story is we have just been unlucky, none of these diseases are lifestyle related (to my knowledge) and there will be families that have never had such tradegy, but there are plenty of others who have had worse.

Just sharing because I talk a lot.... 


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Share away.

    I've found Peter Mac to be busy but brilliant. Though I must say I'm curious to know if that great big beehive space has filled up with flies in summer...

    Hard news about your son. I don't personally find the whole 'why did it happen' approach to be very helpful--you have to deal with the here and now.

    Good luck to you and your family, and let that sense of humour off the leash for a good run at every opportunity.

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited February 2017
    Very good reasons to fight and be positive. I have 2 sons with depression so I always wore the warrior face for them. I had my sleepless nights in fear...not for me but what if I couldn't be around for them as they really so need me. But here I am 12 months on and feeling pretty well again and picking up my life again and helping them to move forward in theirs. 

    We are stronger than we ever imagined we could be. Thanks for sharing. Kath x
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @Padley and welcome to the network. So sorry about your sons diagnosis and you own, but you certainly sound like the type of lady who is going to look for the good and make the most of any situation. Please know that we are here for you, doesn't matter what it's about. You might like to talk a lot, and we all like to read a lot and respond - Perfect!!! I also like the idea of your business class air travel back to the UK - very nice! And I personally am not settling for a 5-10 year time frame. I'm going for gold and aiming for 35 years at a minimum :smiley: All the best. Let us know how you are going. Xx Cath
  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    Talk away that is what we are here for. I 'm the same I have to talk and get it out.
    Good luck with your treatment and your sons, sending you a hug xx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Hey Padley! Sorry to hear of you and your sons plight, but love your approach which is wonderful. I absolutely agree by the way, it has nothing to do with lifestyle its about what feels right and good for you. I don't deny myself anything, I eat very well and healthy, but if I want cake, I have it or a glass of a wine, not that I have much anymore...but it certainly isnt the reason I got Breast Cancer and stopping all of these things won't prevent it either. So wonderful to hear of your journey as you begin...keep your eye on that finish line!!! You so have got it! :smiley:  Melinda xo