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What other options?

Hi ladies,

Just wondering, what other remaining options are there for mum. She has ER+ BC metastasis. She has completed 6 rounds of Chemo so far, which seems to be working. 

She has taken Femara, Tamoxifen, Evorilimus & Exastamen, which all didn't work (except for Femara) hence she's on chemo. 

Her ca125 reading is 94 and ca153 is 182. She has tiny inumerable lung mets and a small met on vertebrae. 

Her onc has said there are 2 other options if chemo stops working. Just wondering if there are any tablets she's able to take and what normally happens once chemo stops working. 

Her onc has given her a months break, to get her strength back and she thinks she'll need another 2-3 rounds of chemo. Her onc doesn't seem to be so worried. She's more focused in getting mum's strength back, as she thinks she's got it under control. 

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you all 


  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Karen, I'm sorry that I can't assist you with any information but just wanted to send you and your mum big hugs. Xx
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I don't have any answers either but just wanted to say hi and remibd you that you are being a fabulous daughter. Kath x
  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    Hi @Klemaire I just wanted to jump in here and suggest attending
    the next apt with the medical oncologist with your mum. You will be able to ask some
    questions and have a better understanding of her treatment plan.

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Karen, I also cant off alot assistance either sorry, in terms of your Mums current treatment plan and how its progressing. It does sound like she is in good hands and they are being quite thorough, and know what they are doing, so am not sure if there would be anything more she could take right now. The break seems to be the best thing for her as without it its very difficult to do chemo and she needs to be as strong as possible. I was incredibly ill through 4.5 months of Chemo, couldnt even walk to the letterbox. My Exercise Physiologist who is working with me now 1yr post Chemo said that my body needed rest and time to heal, it doesnt matter that I could do nothing! Now Im getting somewhere and rebuilding. Keep communicating with her Oncologist, as thats the best source of all information and her Oncologist Nurse as well. Hugs Melinda xo
  • klemaire
    klemaire Member Posts: 12
    Thank you very much Melinda. I believe she's in good hands. And great to hear you have recovered and rebuilding. Much love to all you ladies x
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I am just learning metastases as my father has it in his bones from prostate. From his treatment report, there seems to be 3 sections of treatment. One is the obvious one of the chemo which blasts the cancers and shrinks them. As you know its got some pretty nasty side affects one of which it messes with the bones. So his second section of treatment is Denosumab which stops the development of cells that break down bone. His third area of treatment is Zoladex injection which is in the similar family of inhibitors like Tamoxifen and Femara. 
    Each of the sections all help subdue the cancer progression but really a 4th part is that break from chemo like your mum is having. My dad had over a month off his and gained back some weight and really is looking good now. You wouldn't think he has cancer atm. :) 
  • Kimfree
    Kimfree Dragonfly Posts: 10
    Hi Karen I'm the same as your Mum and, 6 years down the track, I've had about 7 different chemos.   I'm not sure what options the Onc is talking about once the chemos stop working.   Late last year my lovely Onc told me that the research all shows that taking more chemo would not have any benefit for me and, as the current chemo had stopped working, she suggested that I stop having chemo altogether.   Unusually for my Onc, it was all a bit sudden, and she did offer a tablet form which I could take at home as I live an hour from all Onc services.   So I now take a tablet of cyclophosphamide every day and then 2 tablets of methotrexate on Mondays and Tuesdays - which is still chemo.  My Onc did tell me about research being run at Newcastle Private Hosp (NSW) and if I had one of a few proteins then they could be given trial treatment for that, however I turned out not to have any of those proteins.    Apart from that, I haven't been told about any other options.  Hope this helps!
  • klemaire
    klemaire Member Posts: 12
    Hi Kimfree, 

    Mum is on her first chemo and it's called the 'red devil'. She hasn't tried any other chemo's such as yourself. I think the red devil is apparently the strongest one. I live in Qld and she's in Melbourne so it's hard to make it to any of her appointments. I'm not exactly sure either what the onc means by other options. Apparently if the red devil stops working, there are two more options to try. 

    Thank you for your feedback and I hope your tablets continue to work for you x 
  • klemaire
    klemaire Member Posts: 12
    Hi Brenda, 

    Mum's the same, she doesn't even look like she has cancer or looks sick at all. I hope your dad continues to do well x
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Karen, sounds like she's on FEC or AC, I had FEC 4 times 3 weeks apart it is the red devil and yes the strongest chemo. I also had 8 weeks of Taxol, so they usually use 2 different types in conjunction. That has been the toughest part for us all I think, I was never ever sick pre both diagnosis, only treatment made me incredibly sick. So its a tough one mentally getting your head around with no signs or symptoms absolutely nothing and then you are getting treated for something you just dont feel at all. Weird! Im also in Melbourne and got treated at Freemasons. x Melinda
  • klemaire
    klemaire Member Posts: 12
    Hi Melinda, 

    She's on a combo but I can't remember the other one. She's only on 52% dosage as that is all she can handle and onc won't give her anymore than that. So if it's the strongest chemo, I am wondering once the red devil stops working, what else could they possibly give her if she's already on the strongest one?! 

    She he was at Epworth Richmond and she's now at St.John of God in Berwick. I hope you continue to do well Melinda x
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Oh I have friends who have just completed Herceptin at Epworth Richmond. Karen I wish I could offer some suggestions, its the combinations they use that work specifically for whatever your diagnosis is, everyone is different. Hopefully some ladies with metastic BC can jump in with their experiences. I know it must be hard being so far away, im wondering if you'd be allowed to speak with her Oncologist directly? x
  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    Hi Klemarie, I had 4  x AC three weekly & am now halfway through 12 x Taxol. The "A" part of AC is Adriamycin aka " The Red Devil" so that must be what your mum is having & your urine is red for about 24 hours. It is quite a common regime combined with other drugs. it is the strongest chemo but luckily I didn't suffer too much.  It is good that your mum is having a break & will then be able to have the rest of her chemo. Good idea if you can speak to her oncologist directly so you can understand the situation. Good luck!
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    There are 2 'red devil' Chemo drugs, Glemmis is correct, one is AC being the Adriamycin and FEC it is the Epirubicin. Depending on your diagnosis, my Cancer was ER+ only, most people I know had AC. They are both similar drugs, but the hard hitting Chemo used in Breast Cancer. 
  • klemaire
    klemaire Member Posts: 12
    Hi Melinda & Glemmis,

    Mum's cancer is also ER+. Yes, it's very strong. Do you ladies know how much dosage you were given? Mum had 82% the first round and then she couldn't handle it and had lots of nausea and couldn't keep anything down. Hence she's down to 52% dosage. Not sure if I'm allowed to speak with her onc. I think I'd need to be there in person. Mum used to sugar coat everything so we wouldn't worry, but I think she knows not to anymore. Thanks again ladies x