So that just happened. OMG!!!

Gerryb Member Posts: 106
edited September 2016 in Newly diagnosed
Everything has happened so quickly. Found a lump friday before last, Mammogram/ Ultrasound / Core biopsy and Fna lymph node all done within 4 days and now the breast surgeon has me scheduled for 20/9. I'm still reeling from all the information and still do not think it's happening to me. One thing a girlfriend has advised is to get a post op bra. I can't seem to find any that would possibly fit 22F. Does anyone have a suggestion?



  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    Hi @Gerryb. Have you or your nurse ordered a My Journey Kit? It's free and includes good resources. You can order it online or call us 1800 500 258. We also have the My Care Kit, which includes a bra. Here are the links to find out more online:
  • Gerryb
    Gerryb Member Posts: 106
    @Cosette_BCNA thank you so much.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,532
    Hi Gerry,

    Gosh, yes thats how quickly it all happens unfortunately, Im in Melbourne and I didnt have to worry about any of that as my Nurse came with a kit and Berlei post op bra, and it was fabulous! Ring the hospital and ask about it. :) All the best for great results. Melinda
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499
    :cookie: Welcome!
    Wow that's a fresh diagnosis.

    I slapped together a schedule document early in my journey so I could get on top of everything and it's served me well. Just a word document to have hovering on my computer so every plan is solid and visualised. Link 

    There's a new app out too called CancerAid, I have no experience with it at all but it might be worth checking out.
  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    Hi Gerry,

    Things do tend to happen fast in the first few days/weeks until they work out exactly what we are dealing with.  Once you get a treatment plan it all settles down.  Like InkPetal I have a word doc on my computer that I keep track of everything, mine is just a timeline with the date, who I saw, why, and what the result was. 

    I have my fingers crossed that your treatment goes as smoothly as mine. 
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    It is a bit shocking having people poking and operating on your private breasts but its for the good of your health it gets sorted quickly before it gets any ideas about spreading to the rest of your body. Well wishes for your treatment.
  • Melhay
    Melhay Member Posts: 157
    Hi Gerryb - those first few weeks of tests, biopsies, scans, diagnosis & surgery are such a whirlwind of activity & information overload aren't they? Hard as it is in the moment, try to take it one day & one step at a time. 
    All the best with your upcoming surgery & treatment.
    Mel xx
  • JulieP
    JulieP Member Posts: 10
    Hi Gerryb.  I understand how you feel.  I had a routine mammogram, called to doctor next morning, at surgeons off that afternoon.  Biopsies a few days later and bi lateral mastectomy the following week.  It's been 4 months now and I've since had 6 operations due to complications and a full hysterectomy.  I have stayed super positive most of the time but every now and then I'd fall apart.  Now that the implants are in and I'm back to a normal routine it's all starting to hit home and the dark clouds are over me but I've a strong network and I keep plodding along as you will do too.  I wish you all the best.  A positive attitude will really help you.  Hope you get your post op bra.  I found it invaluable. 
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Hi Gerryb, I feel for you.  I couldn't believe how quickly everything moved from core biopsy 13/7, diagnosis 20/7 to surgery 1/8!  Just 2 weeks.  But once I knew there was a cancer inside me, I wanted it out asap!  The whole thing felt like a dream, or should I say nightmare!  Everything is out of our control and we have no choice but to basically hand our bodies over to others.  Privacy and modesty is gone.  Yes, there is information overload from the specialists, but I ordered the "my journey" kit and felt so much better having the info presented in such a clear way.  Great for keeping track of appointments and expenses too.   My specialist provided me with a post op bra in hospital and I ordered another from Berlei.  Sending you my best wishes - you will be stronger than you could imagine.   Jane xx
  • mumflo
    mumflo Member Posts: 44
    Hi Gerry. Yep it can be overwhelming at first. When it comes to bras if your well endowed it can get very tricky to find something that is suitable. I'm a 20 H and I found the Anita Jana full cup wirefree bra did a pretty good job.I bought online from Brava in Melbourne. Unfortunately I didn't find a front opening bra which would've really helped.There doesn't seem to be much choice when blessed with big boobs. Six weeks after the surgery and after discussing with the surgeon, I went back to wearing an underwired sports bra which I padded a bit  I had a lumpectomy so the boob that went to the dark side is now half the size of the other. I have a half boob thing I could wear but I live in fear of it plopping out when I least expect it. I just rock the lopsided look! I was never offered  the My Care Kit I found out about it well after all the treatment was finished but I don't think the bras in the kit would fit us. I wish you all the best for your surgery and treatment.
    Fiona xx
  • mumflo
    mumflo Member Posts: 44
    Not sure if this will work, this is the bra I used after surgery and when I was having radiation
  • ScorpionQueen
    ScorpionQueen Member Posts: 768
    Hi Gerryb

    Sorry you have found yourself joining our community.....

    This experience is certainly an emotional rollercoaster......I know it's really hard to do but try to take one day at a time, surround yourself with good support people.....armm yourself with questions.....and keep asking them until you are satisfied that you understand every little thing!

    In regards to the bra....I was a 14HH and after my lumpectomy in January couldn't stand to have a bra on as my drains were put exactly wher my bra band sat! I wore two stretch camisole/singlet type support of course but it kept me comfortable enough......It is frustrating that the post op bras don't accomodate for bigger breasted women....we get breast cancer too! (unfortunately!)....anyways I have now had my double mastectomy and expander surgery and am really enjoying my much smaller "new boobs" ....I can, for the first time in my life wear a crop top style bra! 

    Remember to kind to yourself.....

    Sending you love and light and the very best for your treatments/surgeries


  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Gerry, 
    Wishing you well for your surgery. Hopefully you've been able to source an appropriate post op bra. I have found a website located in USA that has a good range of generous sized bras, - might be useful for afterwards. All the best  Xx Cath
  • Gerryb
    Gerryb Member Posts: 106
    thank you Cath. It is my first time in hospital and I'm absolutely terrified. Pre admission today, hoping that it relieves some of my anxiety. My beautiful sister sourced a bra from debras in Penrith, the brand is glamorise and has front opening
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Gerry, that's fantastic. Takes one area of worry away. For what it's worth it was my first time in hospital too, had skin saving mastectomy with immediate reconstruction using implant - I'm now 3 months after surgery and powering!! Its normal to be scared stupid!! My breast care nurse attached to the hospital  was a wonderful calming influence who answered practically every question I had. On the day of my surgery I woke up with a migraine at 2:00am and decided there was no point stressing as it wasn't going to change anything and actually fell asleep on the operating table before they gave me any anaesthetic. Will be thinking of you and sending virtual hugs. All the best Xx Cath