Introduction - saying hi :)

Mbis3875 Member Posts: 0
edited October 2016 in General discussion

Hi all,

Have popped on here a couple of times and have finally gotten around to signing up so I can post.


I was diagnosed on April Fools day 2016 with stage 3 breast cancer. I've had 2 rounds of FEC with another 2 to go and then I'm onto D for 4 rounds. Then it's a bilateral mastectomy and then radiation, so an interesting year ahead :)

Coping with what has been thrown at me well and apart from 3 shitty days after treatment my life is pretty close to 'normal', I'm still working in the office of our business full time, running around after 2 kids and hitting the gym regularly. This was a big concern of mine leading up to treatment that my active life pre cancer would be no have hope newly diagnosed ladies!!!! I believe being as strong as I was leading up to this has been a huge help in recovery after each round.

Look forward to getting to know you all :)

Stay strong, positive and happy and keep living life.....this will not be how your story ends x.


  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    edited May 2016

    Hi and welcome,

    If you have any queries, just ask!  You have a great attitude which my MO says definitely helps.  Chemo is doable, but it's not a walk in the park.  I agree that exercise helps throughout treatment.  Even on my worst days I went for a walk or used the treadmill in the gym instead.  Chemo can cause a bit of weight gain, but it soon comes off again.

    When you have surgery you will get the pathology on your Stage & Grade. I was stage 2A, grade 3 (aggressive).  However that was 4 years ago and life is back to normal - or new normal - and I feel great.  (I had bilateral surgery/chemo/rads in 2012).

    We seem to take a year off normal living with treatment, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Keep up the wonderful positivity!  One day at a time - don't look too far ahead - it passes surprisingly fast once you are on the roller coaster!  Big hug.  x Michelle

  • Michelle_R
    Michelle_R Member Posts: 901
    edited May 2016

    Sorry - you posted that you were stage 3 - have you had some surgery already?  x Michelle

  • San-Dee
    San-Dee Member Posts: 99
    edited May 2016


    Good to hear you are doing so well and that you have decided to join the site.

    Looking forward to reading more posts from you.

    Take care,



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited May 2016

    Hi and welcome to the network. Glad that you are exercising as it does help you not only as a distraction, but it also keeps you strong through all the treatment and surgery. Keep on keeping on.... Sending you a big cuddle, Trace ??????????

  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    edited May 2016

    Great attitude is half the battle but pamper yourself to. I'm 4 years down the track. Would I have done things differently. Yes! I would have taken more time of and rested and not tried to be superwoman , but I did what I did and was still happy regards adean xx


  • Mbis3875
    Mbis3875 Member Posts: 0
    edited May 2016

    Thanks ladies:)

    I had core biopsies done on the tumour and nearby lymph nodes, that was a fun experience, have been dealing with cellulitis in the right breast ever since! Keeping it under control with antibiotics.

  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,273
    edited May 2016

    Hi, and welcome.  There are more  & more of us having chemo before surgery which i think is a good option. I finished all my active treatment in January.  

    Hope chemo continues to be reasonable fore you. I had 3 FEC and 3 D. Finishing chemo was a great day.

    Take care, L