Mad Thursday at the cancer centre.

Well, here I am after spending the entire morning and part of the afternoon at our local cancer centre. In between my mapping session, seeing nurses and both oncologists, I sat with my husband watching all the comings and goings. It seems the people within the cancer community are such a supportive lot. Tea and coffee was on tap, being made and delivered to those unable to get to it on their own, beanies were being knitted for the coming cold months and the place was full of smiles and laughter. It was Mad Thursday, and how the receptionists weren't tearing their eyes out, I'll never know. Instead they greeted everyone by name, with respect, patience, a smile and a joke. Some poor souls had been sitting there for what seemed like forever, as oncologists were running behind schedule, but there were no complaints.
I know we all just want to get things over and done with as quickly as possible, we all have lives outside of cancer, and I know I do get impatient at times ... have even ranted on here about it. But as I left the cancer unit behind me this afternoon I realised how lucky I am to have such a facility close to home, with staff who treat me with care and compassion, not someone they want to shove down the waiting list before moving on to the next person.
I felt valued.
I never thought I would be on this journey and I am amazed at the people I have met along the way, both in person and through this site. It certainly makes me think about all those who have gone down this road before me. It has been a real education and I thank everyone for the lesson.
Hugs to you all,
San Dee, never forget that you are amazing and that you have the strength and resilience to get through all of this. People who are dealt the cancer card develop a strength that is like no other. In a way we are all lucky in that our health is monitored and any recurrence is smashed before it can take hold. This is an opportunity to think about you life, what you want going forward. The best way to start is to define what you don't want and then it is easier to move forward, exploring what you do want. Sending you a huge cuddle, Trace ????????
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Yes the cancer centres are something special. What ever makes it work as well as it does, I hope it continues. It's a breath of fresh air after hospitals and specialists. Way more friendly I found.
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Dear San-Dee,
I totally agree, there is such a community amongst cancer patients and at the cancer centres. Its like everyone knows the hard battle we are all facing and are willing to give that little extra, which means so much. Well most places, having had the exact opposite at a private centre. The people at the hospital I am attending now are so supportive and caring. They took my photo at my mapping session so they come and greet me personally and not just call a name out. They rang the day before my first radiation therapy session to make sure I was clear with the time and if I had any questions. All these things make such a difference. It makes me feel they care.
I am so glad you are finding the same positive caring atmosphere. You deserve it, we all do. I wish the rest of the medical profession could be like this.
Take care, hugs, Jacqui
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Hi San-Dee
The best thing about getting bc for me is the wonderful people I have met because of it. The staff at Box Hill day oncology, the other patients, the people here on this forum and the onc rehab people at Eastern Health What a special bunch of people they all are. They have enriched my life and made me a much better person for knowing them. You are right, we are all so very fortunate to receive the care that we do. Karen xox