Day 5 of post chemo.. does it ever get any easier :-(

Day 1 - 7th Oct - of chemo, I thought .. this is ok, felt a bit jet lagged but ok, then 3 hours post the stomach cramps set in, sever headache, heart palpitations and sweating.. I went to bed feeling just awful,
Day 2 - not so bad, went shopping had a 20 mins walk, thought this seems ok.. stomach cramps remain, headache remains.. palpitations annoying too..
Day 3 - omg - diarrhoea, severe stomach cramps, headache that beat in sinc with my heartbeat.. sweating and generally feeling just awful.. nurse from infusion centre called and said go to Emergency to be checked out.. so spent a few hours in emergency.. ECG all good - headache remains, nausea and stomach cramps with diarrhoea, started taking electrolytes heeling a little, face and neck very flushed too. They said all good - all side effects :-(
Day 4 - still feel so bad.. all symptoms remain - the headache stomach cramps and palpitations seem to be the worst...
Day 5 - today ... no headache... well just a slight one - diarrhoea remains as do stomach cramps.. heart palpitations remains intermittent...
So I have found myself saying "enough" this will kill me before any cancer does.. don't think I can do another round of AC omg have 3 left.. am so sad today - feel so down.. am not looking for pity and am so sorry if I am whinging - but am really not coping :-( any advice and kind words will be helpful -
I have heard - suck it up.. be positive .. no no my body is not connecting with my brain... :-(
Oh Linda, wish there was something I could recommend that would make it easier for you. Your description reminds me how I felt except after the first round I also had a seizure and spent 5 days in hospital. I never wanted to go through it again but my husband said he would drag me there kicking & screaming if necessary! I am so glad of the support I got from family and my oncologist. They made me realize why I was doing this to my body and surprisingly, it got easier after that first time. A couple of days just sleeping and taking things easy on myself then by day 4 it got a lot better. Each day looked brighter. By the end of the 2nd week, I thought, I could do this. Still hated having to go through it every 3 weeks but knowing what to expect made it bearable. The second lot of weekly doses were easy after that and I was able to function normally each day. I hope my story helps you a little as I know everyone is different and the best thing to do is listen to how you feel and go easy on yourself.
Warm regards,
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Thanks Corinna,
I was admitted to hospital twice in 5 days - dehydrated, severe diarrhoea and palpitations. I have been diagnosed with a prolapsed mitral valve,and inflamed bowel - my stomach is as huge as a 9 month pregnancy - I won't be doing the next round of AC chemo and the oncologist suggested it is too toxic for my heart and bowel as my bowl is inflamed and bleeding. they are looking at doing the taxol for weekly for 12 weeks but I have to get well first as I am too unwell. I shower and am so breathless like i have been running a long long way - so dizzy as heart not pushing through blood oxygen etc. So that pretty much took care of that for me. I had a double mastectomy - instead of opting for a lumpectomy - and am so glad did the radical decision then.
i am at this stage not sure if will do chemo will be my avenue - will do the auxiliary clearance then call it a day - not given up - just really unwell with my heart but will be guided by Professor of Oncology - sure he has an idea whet he is doing... :-(
my family are supportive either way for me as they almost lost me on wednesday through a cardiac arrest ..
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Hi Linda,
So sorry to read your story - I hope you are starting to feel a bit better now? People that tell you to stay positive.... well, I could have punched them when I was going through chemo!!! They have no idea how ill you get! I was nowhere near as bad as you have been but had terrible side effects when on Docetaxel such that my oncologist refused to give it to me again after the first dose! I switched to Taxol weekly for 6 weeks, and tolerated that much better. It is so hard to understand how everyone is different!! I also got to the stage of saying "I can't do this, I'll take my chances with the cancer". Hang in there and take one day at a time.... it will get better and take advice from your medical team.
All the best,
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Thanks Alison,
I doubt it will get better - am seeing a cardiologist now and have to see a gastroenterologist as well as my bowel remains inflamed 21 days after.... as does the tremor and blurred vision...more chemo.. I doubt that!