Feeling ugh isolated

ah dear little ms positive has left the building. 3rd AC last Tuesday one of those to go little injection last Wed ( yep those white cells packed up ) then 12 taxols weekly then 12 of radio feeling crappy still I hate to type it but I feel like telling them to stop treatments. I recognise I'm almost half way through chemo but boy I'm wiped out and missing life and living - I just want to be me - sorry for the outburst. Little ms expander is hurting again and I don't know whether it's the port or injection or chemo well tomorrow's another day xxx hugs and I still can't lift that left arm high enough for radio
Hi Alsopt, I'm sending you a big cuddle, as I've just come out the other end of surgery, then chemo, then rads. I know that it's frustrating, but there is light at the end of the treatment. At a time like his you need to be a little bit selfish and do the best for you. Talk to your breast care nurse, and get advice about a physio who can help you with your arm. Don't give up, as it does get better. My salvation is my art, it has helped me through some challenging times, but my paintbrushes always love me back. Find a hobby that helps you think about something else, the other thing is put your lipstick on and smile, let's beat this bastard called cancer !! Big hugs from Trace ??????
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Thanks Tracey lol my hobby is 8 Burmese cats / animals my little bc nurses and doctors writing also plus use to be the gym lol and my job which has sadly left til I'm better enough loads of love gal thank you for yr support xxx I'll slap myself in the am with the good arm and get it together xxx
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Hi Alsopt
It's so hard being "up" all the time. It's ok to acknowledge the fact that it's hard and you feel like giving up. Speak to the onc or nurses. They may be able to postpone for a week or so just to give you a bit of a breather. Plan something nice for yourself. Even if it is just having coffee with a friend. I struggled at the 1/2 way point of chemo. I just didn't know if I could keep going but you do and you will. Tomorrow is another day and I really hope it is a bit brighter for you. Sending you hugs. Karen xox
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Thanks Karen xxx
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Hi Alsopt
I had exactly the same chemo as you and the AC is the hardest. Most people do much better on the taxol and hopefully you will too. I wasn't nearly as wiped out on taxol. I was hit hard by the AC- hospitalised with neutropenia and got pneumonia but I was fine on the taxol.
Stick with it, you will get through it and you will get your life back! I also know how a sore expander feels all of that adds up to make you feel down.
Sending you lots of positive vibes and hugs.
Lisa x
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Thanks Lisa I did slap myself around the head this morning walked one of the dogs washed clothes cooked then watched movies I love the days I can function here's hoping the taxol is easier xxx hugs gal