Panic Attacks

hi Everyone
i am almost 18 months past the BC diagnosis. Left mastectomy and no chemo or radiation , so very lucky on that front.
Now , am being hit with panic attacks. Have a check up in two days so perhaps I am subconsciously worried about it.
Does anyone one have any advice on how best to deal with these symptoms of anxiety ? I thought I was strong and okay ... Maybe not ...
Any ideas on how you other wonderful people have coped? I use this site to read about what others are doing and saying , so now it's my turn to ask for help
Kind Regards
Hi Anne, totally normal.. You have spent time working towards being past it and your appointment shoves it right back in your face again.. and every single bad possibility will fall out of the back of your mind and start yelling at you..
When I was finished treatment for my EBC I was really good until it was "squishy boob day" so I started to make jokes about it.. But the anxiety that I felt after it and waiting to see the surgeon almost did my head in.. It will get easier with time.. To try to calm it down I use rescue remedy and also do some meditation.. If you are having any ultrasounds done(sorry, not sure it they will be doing that (i had a lumpy and they still squish me each year) , try to get them as close to the day of the dr visit as possible to reduce the waiting time. and I also continually say to myself that it is what it is, no amount of worry will change what my dr is going to tell me..
Be kind to yourself and allow the thoughts in, acknowledge them and then make them leave and not sleep over.. It does take some work but it will get better.. Now all of this said.. If you are really struggling speak to your doctor about the amount of anxiety you are dealing with and they may also have a plan to assist you to get through it easier.
I have everything crossed for you that in a few days you will be able to pop back in and just say.. whoo hooo.. all clear.. how cool is that
cheers, Sharon (pink66) xoxox
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Thanks Sharon.
No mammogramm etc this time as had all that back in April. Just a check up.
Still , the thoughts are there. You are absolutely right in that whatever we think or stress about has no impact on the outcome. It's so hard sometimes to make the mind settle and get on with things. I have made an appointment with a psychologist as I am so irritable and quick to get angry. Plus the panic attacks ... Not pleasant to be around !:(
i will ill come back on and let you know about the check up.
Thank you for your kind thoughts and ideas. Much appreciated.
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Hi Anne,
I use meditation to deal with panic attacks and anxiety. I've found some great guided meditations on iTunes by innerhealthstudios that I listen to when my mind is racing. Meditation oasis also have some really good meditation podcasts. I keep them all on my ipod so I can listen to them in the middle of the night if I need to.
I've learnt with panic that the less I focus on it the better I am. When I can feel a panic attack coming on I try and distract myself.
Good luck with the checkup
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Hi Mira
thank you for the advice about meditation. I have an appointment tomorrow morning with a psychologist so am hoping she can steer me in that direction and with any other helpful techniques.
Also went to GP today and my ECG is a bit suspect so have to return for another one tomorrow. Plus have the breast surgeon check up. Big day ahead.
Am am trying to stay positive and distract myself from thinking too much. Thank you for your kind wishes.