Online network - May update

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0

Afternoon all,

As we move into May I wanted to give you an update on where we’re at with the improvements and fixes to the new website and in particular the online network.

I also wanted to acknowledge that we are aware that a number of members are having difficulties accessing areas of the online network from certain mobile devices, within some internet browsers and generally having useability issues finding their way around the new website. We appreciate your frustrations and are confident that we can work through them together.

It’s our priority to get these issues resolved as soon as possible, however, some issues may take 1 hour to fix and others 2 hours, 6 hours etc. so we have had to work through issues in a way that is the best use of our developer's time and resources.

This is just a quick snap shot of some of the fixes/improvements we have prioritised over the past few weeks to benefit the online network:

  • Ability to edit your own blog post once it’s published
  • Links within a notification in your mailbox now redirect to the correct blog post
  • An email notification is sent to a member's private email account when a Broadcast is sent from a group you are connected to
  • Online network search has been improved

We have also engaged an Online Community Management Specialist who will work with us in the online network. Please keep an eye out for Ben (benq), Sarah (Stokes) and Lauren (LaurenBelle who you will see online over the next month to help support the ever growing online network.

We also plan to make the following fixes over the next few weeks:

  • Improvement to online network mailbox
  • Notifications e.g. daily activity notification, group broadcast notification
  • Online network homepage design and useability including a way to view latest activity e.g. live feed

We hope that we will see a big improvement in activity and useability once we have made some of these changes.

We are open to constructive feedback and will continue to post regular updates and 'online network tips' as often as possible.

We are confident that together we can deliver a quality experience for all users and continue to welcome and support new and existing members to the network.

If you have a suggestion for a tip we can share, please let us know or feel free to share it yourself.

Daina and Jess

In the mean time, here are some links to some helpful tip blogs from the beginning of last month:



  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited 2015 01

    Thank you Daina.This is what we need...communication from BCNA so as we  feel our ideas and concerns are getting listened to.Could something like this perhaps be posted at the end of each week,as this was ? Thanks again.Robyn.xox

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,320
    edited 2015 01

    Thanks Daina for the update. I agree with Robyn and would love a weekly update. Helps keep us all in touch with what's going on.

    Enjoy a well earned rest of a weekend. 

    Paula x

  • nicole h
    nicole h Member Posts: 120
    edited 2015 01

    Sorry still Havnt dealt with my problem nor kept in touch as you said you would jess. My samsung still has issues.

    So over it. Lost all contact with the support I had on here.

    life's astruggle at the moment and your site is just making matters worse. 

    It truly is unacceptable and unheard of to have so many glitches. Let alone taking so long to fix them.  You really are  playing with people's lives here. Help!!

  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    edited 2015 02

    Hi Daina and Jess, appreciate the update, it really helps. Look forward to having functions like the previous live feed up and running soon as I think this will help us to see where the latest activity is happening and encourage more conversations; I know this was a function I used a lot before :-) Hopefully we will also be getting notifications of new comments on those threads we have commented on previously. Great to see that you are also getting some more help with what must be a massive undertaking. Perhaps sometime down the track you could look at posting a video tutorial on the main page about how to use different functions? In the meantime, keep the updates coming! Jane xx

  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    edited 2015 02

    Hi Daina

    When will we be able to delete old messages for ourselves ?

    These unwanted communications must be clogging your system, too.

    Summer  :-(

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited 2015 02

    Hi Nicole,

    I'm so sorry to hear that life's a struggle for you at the moment. The site is definitely not meant to add to it. Is there something in particular you need support for? Maybe you could make a new blog post and ask others for their support.

    Regarding the issue with the Samsung - it's definitely on top of the priority list but I wasn't about to list every issue in my post above. It will be fixed over the next 2 weeks.


    In the mean time though - If you don't feel like the online network is helping, maybe talking to someone directly would help? If you think it would - you could speak to the ladies on BCNA's support line (1800 500 258 open 9 - 5pm M-F) or call Cancer Council as they offer some great telephone support as well (13 11 20).


  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited 2015 02

    Nicole,hi:) I feel it must be particularly difficult for ladies in rural areas.I live right bang smack in the middle of Sydney,and as much as I complain about it at times,it has been a godsend throughout my treatment and after.I would be very happy if we could connect via our inboxes and perhaps support each other while things are getting sorted out with the online network.I have been very vocal I know ,about the current problems,but I definitely want to see things fixed and for all of us to get back to where we were before.Lets hang in here and see what happens.Cheers Robynxox

  • Mich x
    Mich x Member Posts: 1,530
    edited 2015 02

    Thank you Daina

    It is luvly to hear from you.

    Thank you for your update and I am sure you girls are doing everything you can to improve the online network.

    Patience is a virtue possess it if you can but I do know that it is a struggle sometimes and all I can say is knowing BCNA as I know it you are all working your lil butts off to get things fixed as quickly as you possibly can.  

    I am sure it is not making your lives any easier with all the hiccups.

    Good luck and I look forward to updates as things slowly improve. 

    Luv always, Mich xoxoxoxo 

  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    edited 2015 02


    I'm new here.  Thank you for all that you do :)



  • nicole h
    nicole h Member Posts: 120
    edited 2015 04

    Hi Daina,

    As reported i cannot use this site from my phone.  Have access at the moment only via a computer and came across your reply.

    This is the support that suits and was helping.  I only have access to a mobile phone and cannot afford to make endless phone calls from a mobile for any reason.

    Hopefully now you understand why you need to fix these issues urgently.


  • nicole h
    nicole h Member Posts: 120
    edited 2015 04

    Thanks Robyn, Always good to hear from you. So glad you're ok.

    My inbox doesn't work nor email notifications messages or replies.  It's only possible for the moment whilst I have access to a computer.

     I will try and reconnect when my radiation finishes in 2 weeks.  But I tell you i'm so fed up with trying to use it i can't promise i'll bother again. Cheers to you Nicole

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited 2015 04

    Please,please, someone tell me how to post.Last night I wrote 4 and they all just went straight back to my blog.They won't make it to the public online.Every week I try and it's so frustrating.All I can do is make a comment on someone else's post and hope I get help.I even tried to send BCNA an email and when I got to the end,I got asked if I was a robot!When I ticked the 'no'box,my email disappeared.I feel like I'm in some cyber parallel universe! Tonya

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,320
    edited 2015 04

    Hi Tonya, I made a post and couldn't figure out why it wasn't appearing anywhere apart from my blog. I ended up going to my profile and clicking to edit it (I think). Anyway down the bottom was a little box that was ticked make posts private (or maybe it said public). Anyway once I clicked so that they could be seen by everyone my posts now appear in the main forum or wherever I post them. I hope that makes sense. Have a look it your profile. It's right down the bottom. 

    Good luck. 

    Paula x

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,320
    edited 2015 04

    Ok Tonya. Just went into my profile and then under my picture there is a tab to edit profile. Once you are in there scroll right to the bottom of the page and you will see blog settings. It is down there where it asks who can see your blog or posts. 

    That fixed it for me. 

    Good luck. I look forward to seeing a blog from you. 

    Paula x

  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited 2015 04

    Thanks Paula- I'll give a go.Tonya xx