stage 4

Stage 4, I do not want to scare anyone but after a plated left humerous in Feb so I could start chemo that month I did successfully 6 rounds and shrinking in left boob a tumour of 13cm to 3 cm. I then had double mastectomy and back in for 2nd op as I had a sinus tract infection. I then went on to do 25 zaps of radiation but continuing on Herceptin every 3 weeks given intravenously.
I INSISTED AT HAVING A LAST ct as my cancer was in above collar bone and behind breast bone which had eroded a little. My boobs in the bin so I just want closure. Cancer above was Not operable to remove.
I bullied for this CT scan and God was on my side, my chest came back beautifully clear but luck was on my side as the person running the CT took my head by mistake. I was told something suspicious up there and a further MRI needed which I waited a month for appointment. Yuk not good news and Mastitis BC in brain has been mentioned. My journey begins again and I am exhausted to start a new journey.
Found out 3 days ago and already received 3 phone calls from various doctors after hours so I suspect again a reasonable urgency for my complaint.
I have learnt that any breast cancer public patient can request further scans and once assertive enough it will happen. I actually feel good at taking charge of my health. I knew several months ago that my recovery was not that good and why? Now I know why. I have a lesion on right fontal lobe sitting at 12mm. It’s so validating that I now know why my memory is crap and my balance all of the show and personality is very irritable which is just not me.
Take care Pink sisters
Cyber hugs and just another one
Hi Sarah sorry to hear your news, but glad to har you were so assertive with doctors. Unfortunately some docs dont listen when you tell them about your body. Hopwe all goes well take care of yourselfxxx
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I just need to say that I'm sorry that you have this diagnosis,but with your amazing attitude,that we have seen time and time again,I feel that you won't take this laying down!!!!I can't comment on much because I am not in this position,and I'm sure it's a whole different thing to a first diagnosis.I hope that you get onto a treatment that works for you Sarah.There is so much available now Isnt there? Please stay in touch,and try to relax and look forward to Xmas with your daughters and other special family members.Sending you a hug all the way from Sydney
xox Robyn
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I just need to say that I'm sorry that you have this diagnosis,but with your amazing attitude,that we have seen time and time again,I feel that you won't take this laying down!!!!I can't comment on much because I am not in this position,and I'm sure it's a whole different thing to a first diagnosis.I hope that you get onto a treatment that works for you Sarah.There is so much available now Isnt there? Please stay in touch,and try to relax and look forward to Xmas with your daughters and other special family members.Sending you a hug all the way from Sydney
xox Robyn