10,000 steps and counting ;)

mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
edited December 2014 in Health and wellbeing
As the title suggests that's what I am now doing EVERY day!

I have always tried to keep reasonably active. At times since my first diagnosis (yes had a little hiccup recurrence 3 years ago) 5 years ago I have really struggled with the chemo induced early menopause symptoms. However, I am a firm believer in use it or lose it. So even though my poor (only 52 year old) body is full of aches and pains I still tried to get out and walk a few times a week.

Well this month my work which is a fairly big national organization decided that it's employees should walk the length of the Italian Coastline in four weeks. So all over Australia there are teams of four challenging themselves to walk 10,000 steps a day. Now I thought I was pretty good with my exercise but since attaching my little pedometer to my hip I have been inspired to get moving every day.

Being a little competitive at heart I have taken to this like a duck to water. It used to be - I would walk maybe four or five out of seven days. I would walk for half an hour and feel pretty good. Not anymore, I have needed to lengthen my walks and walk every day.

It's amazing how by just tracking your steps you can see how much you actually do (or don't) exercise every day. My son thinks I'm crazy. The other night it was late and I was circling the house. He laughed so hard when I told him I had to keep walking as I was short of my 10,000 steps!

Anyway just a suggestion to anyone who needs to get motivated. Get yourself a pedometer and challenge yourself to walk 10,000 steps every day.

It's amazing how good I feel and how well I am sleeping too!

Paula :)


  • Deanne
    Deanne Member Posts: 2,163
    edited March 2015
    What a good idea. I have no idea how many steps I take each day and have a sneaking suspicion that there are many days (even though I walk for exercise every day) that I would fall short of 10000 steps. I know my physio said that consistency is very important. Putting in a big effort once or twice a week does not achieve as much as a little bit each day.

    I think I did more than 10000 steps yesterday though trying to find a particular item from my daughter's Xmas wish list! Must get one before the next shopping trip!!
    A great idea for Christmas actually. :) Deanne xxx
  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited March 2015
    Good on you! I have a pedometer and you are so right when you say it makes a huge difference. I find myself sneaking a look at it late in the day to see if I have done my 10000 steps! Some days(I don't drive) i do over 30,000.It is great that you posted this on here. What a good simple idea for ladies that are trying to get back into shape after treatment.The walk sounds awesome.Have fun!!! CheersxoxRobyn
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited March 2015
    Yes I was really surprised about how much it takes some days to get to 10000. Not so bad on days I work as I am on my feet. Mine came with a book about incidental steps we can take, like parking further away from the shops and walking short distances instead of driving. It all adds up. I agree a great idea for a Christmas gift.
    Happy walking.
    Paula :)
    Had to giggle about the hunting for the particular gift...we've all been there ;)
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited March 2015
    Hi Robyn, yes I am always peaking. My neighbors must think I am crazy. When I take rubbish out to the bin which is at the side of my house instead of turning around I keep walking out to the side gate, across the front of my house and in the other side and back around to the back door I came out of. All the incidental steps add up. It's a virtual walk down the Italian coast. We hope as an organization we can get as many steps as that would take.
    Happy walking. Go you....30000 is amazing!!!
    Paula x
  • JudithS
    JudithS Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2015

    10,000 steps a day is often hard to reach when you have a sedentary job/lifestyle.  Last year I bought myself the cheapest and most simple fitbit and have tracked my steps most days.  I was diagnosed with breast cancer exactly three years ago and once treatment was over decided I will do some things I had dreamed of and it all started with my step tracker.  I organized to walk across Northern Spain, 800 kilometres from one side to the other.  My only training was plenty of walking and determination.  Late last August with two other West Australian ladies, we set off on our Camino.  Over 35 days reached our goal and celebrated my 70th birthday along the way so MUM2JJ, don't worry about your 52 year old body, I, you and anybody can do this.  I am not saying it was easy, far from it and now with my three year anniversary I am searching for something similar to achieve.

    Best wishes to all, Judith S