Doing really well but it's never far from the surface
LIfe is good at the moment. It has been 2 and a half years since my diagnosis. Surgery, chemo, radiation and Herceptin are a just a memory. I am over my latest bout of fatigue thanks to taking Vit B and magnesium. Hot flushes at their peak again, but I now just think of them as BAU - business as usual. Work is great. I am…
Some happy positive stuff!
Hi All, So I have been reading a few posts where people seem to be in a bit of a slump so here’s a happy story. I finished all treatment (double mastectomy, axillary node clearance, 6mths chemo and 6weeks radiation plus herceptin) so have been on this shit roller coaster for 17 months now. I had my last herceptin on…
Sisters in solace
Dear fellow travellers I’m currently in Ullapool, Scotland and had a very poignant and touching exchange with another woman at a local market. I bought a knitted headband from her. As I took off my hat and put on the headband we both realised that our hair was similarly sparse and immediately knew why. She came out from…
Five Pearls of wisdom
Hi all, Please see post below by Saskia Lichtenstern, a breast cancer survivor from London who has asked us to help her reach out to women about a book she is putting together written by thousands of breast cancer survivors for women stepping into their footsteps. Saskia explains: This book isn’t about being diagnosed with…
New Normal
We often talk on this network about creating and adjusting to a 'New Normal'. Nearly every day I walk up to the top of a hill near my house and always walk around and admire this Iron Bark gumtree at the top. It was blown over in a wind storm more than 15 years ago. There are enough roots in the ground that it has kept on…
PHEW Well that's a phase of my life I don't want to go through again.
Hello Lovely Ladies, Well today was the day I went back to the specialist after the first year of this (no I am not gonna use the word) epic STAGE of my life lol. He doesn't want to see me again till next year after my yearly Mammogram. Which I am sooooo happy about. Sooooo why have I just been outside with tears falling…
So my family have asked me to get help
I'm coming up to my 1st anniversary of being diagnosed. In a recent conversation with my family I have been told that I need to get help, that I need to find someone to talk to because my feelings are not healthy, that I'm not dealing with things very well. I'm honestly a bit dumbfounded as I thought I was doing…
Ovaries removal
Hi ladies, As I get back to “normal” life after BC last year, I realise just like other ladies on here, I want to do everything possible to stay alive as long as I can. Sure I am still at risk of having my cancer return even though I had a bi mastectomy and sure becsuse I have that damn brca1 gene and considering my mum…
Interesting article shared on facebook
Hi All. This is a great article. A little more depth would have been nice, but good that people are discussing.…
BC Survivor
When is one defined as a Breast Cancer Survivor? Is there a time frame?