Brain tumour
Hello Pink family, Feb 10th I'm having brain surgery. Shit scared but will of course pitch up. They wanted it next week but one of my daughters is getting married on 31 Jan which is pretty special, then honeymoon and granddaughter needs to be with me. I feel lucky dates are fitting in. The larger it grows the better to…
Very frustrated
Brain surgery I can deal with but the protocal of public with Sir Charles Gardner is an absolute nightmare. If I was not already being treated for major depression I most certainly would be now. I honestly think some of the front line receptionists need a career change. I admire two surgeons so far who have phoned me well…
World turned upside down!
I was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 weeks ago! I have had surgery for the removal of a malignant lump in the right breast and 9 lymph nodes. I had a drain taken out 2 days ago and now feel that under my arm is getting quite swollen and sore. Thinking this is a build up of fluid but this is all new to me and would love to…
Have just been diagnosed with breast cancer 3 weeks ago. Have had surgery for removal of malignant lump in right breast and 9 lymph nodes. Had drain taken out 2 days ago and now feel that under my arm is getting quite swollen and sore. Thinking this is a build up of fluid but this is all new to me and would love advice…