Raspberry & White Chocolate Muffins
While going through chemo I was invited to a friends dinner party. I was humming and harring about going as I would have to dress up and put my hair on and what was the use when I couldn't taste anything. Anyway...I went and the only thing I could taste was the beautiful flavours in the muffins. The raspberries had a nice…
Cooking for kids
New Idea Magazine's latest cookbook Cooking For Kids features Australian celebrities cooking up a storm with their children. New Idea has generously donated $2,000 on behalf of each celebrity involved to BCNA. Thank you, New Idea! The cookbook is available at newsagents and supermarkets now.
Organic/Vegan Main meal ideas
Just want to invite people to share meal ideas/ recepies that work for them. Many of us have families with children and transitioning to this new life style is very difficult while adapting to many other aspects that come with being diagnosed with breast cancer. I thought we could start separate one for breakfast and lunch…
Organic/Vegan Breakfast Ideas
Inviting people to post ideas for breakfast that are vegan.